Chapter 30

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A lot of people didn't know that I loved Camilla.

But what was there not to love?

Her smile makes me feel warm, her eyes I could gaze into for eons and eon, her touch makes my skin spark, basically all of the usually gushy stuff.

I've loved her for years and years, waiting for me to notice me looking at her for a little bit too long, my hand touching her arm for a minute longer then it should have,  buying her everything she waited or craved.

But, she never once noticed.

But, guessed who she noticed?


The guy that once he's done fucking her, he'll toss her away like trash, like he's done to every single other girl, the guy that will talk to her like she's nothing, the guy she will never marry. This morning, showing up at Marshall's house was on purpose. Why? Because I knew it would piss him off, because I wanted Camilla to see how much of  a asshole Marshall is sometimes. That someday, he might treat her like that. 

Part of me is happy that SHE is happy, but also part of me will be broken when she is broken.

I sigh, and do the most dangerous things and start texting while I'm driving.

"Sorry about what happened Cam, didn't mean for you to hear :(" I text her, and put down the phone. 

I glance and glance down at my phone, but there is no reply.

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