Oh no

64 3 1

I decide maybe I want Camilla after all.
I mean, she is sweet,nice and makes me realize how much women can be great sometimes, not like Kim.
I plan to see her today, in the morning and maybe we can get back together. This is my fucking life and even if Hailie doesn't approve, I still need to do wha is best for me.
I drive myself to Camilla's house and i punch in her code that opens the gate,042434.. the door swings open and I move my car very Slowly up the driveway because it is very windy and knowing how badly I freaking drive, I will smash my BMW in her fountain.
I put the car in park and walk up her drive, it is very quiet and i hear no noise.
I stuff my hands in my pocket and walk down her drive a little to see if her car is here, which it is. Hmmmm, maybe she's still sleeping . I glance at my watch. 10:00 am and she's still sleeping?
Holy fuck, I. An only sleep till 8:45 at the latest. I think I want to surprise her, so I stop myself from knocking and take out the key she gave me from deep inside my jeans pocket and open the first door and slowly unlock the second. I open it slowly and it creaks open.
"Shit!" I whisper yell, and slowly close it, a satisfying click rings in the air.
I hear voices in the kitchen, maybe she is up after all, talking to her cat, Bruce. I slightly smile, women and animals what is it? I tip toe through her living room, down a hallway, and her dining room and I reach the kitchen where I meet her.
Or I think it's just her.
But it's not.
It fucking isn't.
No way
She won't....
She is kissing another man, that is not me( duh)
She sees me and her face drains and the air smells of guilt, and the man looks confused.
"Who the fuck is this?" I demand and I'm fucking pissed, the steam is god damn pouring out of me ears, and the flashes of Kim comes into my mind.
"Omg!!! Are you Eminem?can I have a autograph?" The man asks, not really comprehending that I am pissed and am about to shit out of him.
I race towards him and grab him by the throat and bring his ass to the floor.
"Yeah, muthafucker you can have a fucking autograph after I fucking beat your faggot ass and kill you. I bet you fucked my girl didn't you?" I scream, spit all over him and shake him more, his face turning purple.
Camilla stand there shocked and scared that she  is next.
"I asked if you fucked her?!!?!" I scream.
"Yyyeesss." He gurgles and I let go of his throat.
I kick him in the balls, "I hoped you like it because after this this would have been the last girl you fucked......" I kick him a few more times.
"Stop it!!!" I hear Camilla yell, and I turn.
I walk over to her and I get real close so she flinches and begins to cry.
I point my finger at her, "You WHORE!!"
I leave and I slam the door behind me and I get in my car and  race away, tears falling down my face.
I don't remember the last time I cried.

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