Chapter 38

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I storm out of studio building all together. Who the hell does Marshall think he is, I mean, letting his daughters control him like that? 

It has started to rain, just sprinkling, but annoying enough, since I've left my umbrella in the studio. I just duck my head and stride to my car, and when I'm almost there, like maybe two feet, a man rushes out at me. I freeze, prepared to hit hit with my purse and yell bloody murder.

"Hey, aren't you Camilla . .   ." He says, a smiling coloring his face.

I sigh, this happens so much and it's just so annoying.  I put on a fake smile. " Yes, why?" I pretend like I don't know what he whats, even though I do.

"Yeah, that's great, like super great. Hey, would you mind signing your last album for me?" He fishes in his jacket and pulls out my album, along with a sharpie, and hand them to me. 

"So, you just kept my album in your pocket at all times?" I ask, while scribbling my name on it's glossy, plastic cover. 

He rubs his neck, and reaches for the CD. " Well, no, not really, it's hard to explain, it's you know really long . .  ."

I nod and look in his face. Paler skin, dark eyes, brown eyes, dimples, glasses. He's dressed nicely, for business. He has the nerdy/sexy look to him. The kind I used to fall for in high school. 

I smile a real smile, "Hey?" I ask.

He nods and continues to smile, "Yes?"He says and then takes his umbrella and puts it over my head, leaving himself out in the rain.

"You doing something right now?I was suppose to have someone over tonight but . . . " I say and blush.

"Are you asking me for like dinner?" He asks.

I know I'm with Marshall, well, just barely know, and I could use a nice break . . . 

"Yes." I say and bit my lip, " Could you?"

He hesitates, and then says,"Sure."

"Great! I smile, " come with me." And we make out way to my car 

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