Chapter 13(Back to the Battle Front We Go)

Start from the beginning

As Steve charged at the girl. Before he could reach her something slammed into his side causing him to be thrown to the side. He looked up spotting a hammer. At first he thought it had been Thor but then noticed it was the boy with the tool belt.

"Booyah! Did you see that Miss Metal Detector? I, Leo Valdez, boy supreme have defeated the Mr. American Flag!" Somewhere in the room Tony snorted trying to hold back his laughter.

"Shut-up Repair Boy."

"Ah, come on! Girls love a bad boy!"

Bruce was kind of standing awkwardly. There wasn't enough room to Hulkify.

Before Hazel and Leo could continue arguing Steve charged again and began fighting Leo who kept taking things out of his tool belt and Steve has to wonder how much could fit inside the seemingly bottomless tool belt.

Tony tried shooting his repulsers at the group but suddenly the boy with a bow transformed into a dragon blocking the blast with its scales. Despite all the crazy thing the Avengers had seen a boy shifting into a dragon was still pretty alarming.

Clint didn't have long to dwell on the dragon because the girl with the electric spear was now trying to electrocute him. He was having to block her blows with his bow in one hand while trying to stab her with an arrow in his other hand. It was also an electric arrow. He would've made some comment about it if he had not been defending himself from the girl with the spear and the girl shooting arrows.

The walls in the room were now scoured with holes, cracks, and blast marks. Frank turned back to a person and Thalia shot an electric arrow at the Iron Man suit disabling it. Tony just called another one in. Steve had meanwhile been trying to sneak back up on Hazel and Leo after having recovered his shield.

"Oh no you don't!" cried Leo setting his arms on fire and advancing on Steve. He had some clothes that Calypso made him so that he wouldn't burn them up. Steve gasped, stumbling back not expecting the boy to set himself on fire. Leo smirked. "American Flags, very macho." He said.

Tony turned as the new suite assembled itself around him. "Doth mother know you smoke?"

"Ha!" Clint called out laughing, having overheard.

They seemed pretty well matched. Of course neither side really wanted to kill the other if they had, well, that would be a different story. I mean, Frank could have turned into a dragon and blasted almost all of them to smitherings. On the other hand, the Avengers probably have some sort of weapon they could have used. As it was the tranquilizer guns the demigods had brought had been forgotten in the battle and the Avengers weapons kept getting blocked.

Natasha and Annabeth were still fighting seeing as they were pretty evenly matched. They kept switching between fighting with their daggers and using hand-to-hand combat.

"Your plan won't work" Natasha hissed, "You'll never overpower us for enough time to free the boy."

Annabeth smirked, "Who said that was my plan?"

Natasha's eyes widened in realization. "Fall back!" she shouted, "It's a distraction." She called breaking free from her fight with Annabeth. But it was too late. As soon as she had finished talking two more kids and Perseus ran in from the other side of the room. Now the Avengers were trapped between the two groups.

"What's up Wise Girl? Miss me?" Percy said smirking. Annabeth rolled her eyes.


Two figures stood in front of a cell . They pressed a button to open it and a boy with black hair and sea green eyes stepped out.

"Hey Percy." Jason said.

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