Army Of Carolina

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No, I've plenty of food, I do have a son he is out hunting. Your offer is nice I'll not need any help.
Barton took his last drink, Mam thanks for the coffee the warmth of your home. Sorry for my outburst. Jacob rest of us we'll be leaving. Oh and
I shouldn't have shouted at you. Jacob nodded watched as they left. They are good Generals, Mrs. Roberts, I'm sorry for intruding on you. We'll be gone in a few hours. No intrusion at all, even the yelling filled the house. With voices of men talking. Been a long while since I've heard that.

Jacob stood mam, I'll make sure to replace the coffee we drank. Bye, your leave. Bye, yours Sir.

                              The Push
Mam, we've checked your husband isn't with us.
That doesn't mean for sure he is dead. Maybe missing, doubtful so don't cling to him being alive.
Here's two pounds coffee and a half bottle of whisky.
General, I don't drink. Medicinal mam never know.
Thank you, General, good luck to you.

Jones don't mind if I ride along for a while, do you?
Jacob is a pleasure, Blair Jacob that's when we'll see them. Just south of it. Jacob nodded may just be right. Just remember to get those heavy siege guns set fast, want Columbia surrounded so the rest can move on. Third Corp will be with you. It be fast Jacob plenty fast. Jones keep them moving, I'm headed to the front.

                           Midnight South Of Blair
Jacob eased back in his saddle, Kit need you to take your Troop grab another two Troops cross the Broad River. You'll be the lead for Second Corp eyes and ears Kit.  Back ta where that machine gun was. No mind Jacob, none at all got that place figured out. Do I head out now? Soon as you can
Kit. Yes um on it, bye your leave Sir.

Darkness Jacob didn't like it, least his Army had some form of concealment.  Mist is helping also if only it wasn't freezing. Looking back, he said Barton we still have interval? Sent a rider to check just a minute ago. You were off thinking I reckon.
Thinking about this damn cold mist dark, only good comes of it. Helps keep us concealed Chapin Barton we split that is the worry some part, swing towards Gilbert. Barton nodded yep split down the center of Chapin and Lexington. Glenn and half of Walton's Corp will swing left split down the center of Elgin and Lugoff. Rest of Walton's Corp follows us. Mac and Jones encircle and hold Columbia till we pass and Jackson relieves them. Barton, I'm going to the rear of the Corp want to talk to Glenn before he makes his turn. Step up the pace I want around Columbia before two. Yes um, Jacob, I'll step it up a bit.


                            First United Army
                               Edgefield Carolina

Just east of Edgefield, Sarna called a stop of the Army. She wanted a change of direction and a meeting.

Sarna paced then stretched, Ben feel like I haven't slept in days. Tired my I'm tired. Sarna we all are this Army needs a break maybe three hours. I'm not sure, we break we'll be found. Sarna, it's a chance we must take. Louse climbed off his horse what chance is that Ben? I say we need a break, Sarna wants to keep pushing. Louse stomped his left foot, damn foot sleeping on me. It will take one hour to get our Corps on interval, give them three to rest, only a four hour stop. Sarna thought a minute. Yes, call a break till three. Louse where are Lana and Garret? On the way, wish we had coffee might help knock the chill off. Ben smiled I've some rum that a knock the chill off. Louse said yes that would do, looks like our fourth Corp commander and his Corp has arrived.

Sarna smiled, finally, we are whole. Wait on the rum, till we talk, some after. Ben Sarna Louse, good to see you all. Sorry, it took a while, couple wagons Mounted Infantry, got stuck aways back. Plus our late start, the Artillery those three batteries from Bama are with us. Sarna nodded at Garret and Lana, I've got a change in our route.

Lana held up a crocker I've coffee from the mess wagon. Sarna shrugged, get your cups Lana you pour. Then we'll talk. Sarna took a drink, smiled well I feel the warmth in my belly and hands.
Now my feelings are best change direction. The retreating Army from Atlanta possibly moving towards Augusta, leaves us between a rock and a hard spot. We'll move east of Augusta. Lana your Corp will detach from First Corp, move on your own.  Chad fourth Corp has the rear Lana you run third in route. Garret, you have the lead. Louse second. Ben pick someone you trust to take a troop to do a recon west of us, have Liza inform him or her. Ben nodded I've just the Ranger in mind, rum in the coffee now? Sarna smiled, sure that's all I have break till three.

                             Army Of Ohio
                          Monroe Carolina   
                         Jena's daily report

Four days into our movement, Monroe Carolina making good time. No resistance thus far. My Command and Army is in good spirits. I've received no word as to Yorks progress, don't expect to join up with them till at least, Fayetteville or Clinton. I've called a stop to rest till dawn. Proceed on at daylight.

Jena pulled her cot from the wall of her command wagon. Groaned as she sat down, thinking least I've got a wagon. Offered to have a few built for Sarna and the rest. They didn't want one, so be it
I'm warm. Sarna if you hear me I'm making good time. Best sleep daylight only a few hours away.


                             Army Of Carolina

Jacob heard shots bugles, he kicked his horse damn, of course, we make contact! I'm at the middle of the collum. The sun just peaking from the horizon. Barton! What the hell is going on?
Forward element Jacob, seems they made contact.
Has to be them, due for hold and replaced. Sent a Troop out, to take a look see. I'll have a Division ready to move up if ya like? Barton send out the First they're the best for it. Have them make ready,
let's make sure this isn't a skirmish, not a full-fledged assault. Runner! Yes, Sir, I'm right here.
Tell the First to make ready pull from the collum.
Yes, Sir! Bye, your leave. Jacob listened still a fight going on, hasn't slowed none. Barton, I'm heading back to get with the First I'm moving with them!
Don't think we should wait! Jacob, I'll take them!
No, stay with the Army! Might need a fast decision made. I'd feel better if it was myself.

Jacob led the First out, towards the firing, as they cleared the hill. Jacob could see it was more than a patrol run in. Three Troops penned down in separate locations. The line was long and well fortified. Damn hoped we moved far enough west and south! Jenson, have the Division hold. I need to asses this situation. We've ridden into a mess.
Yes, Sir, I'll send the Division Commander up.

This chapter has been a pain to write. Thank you all for reading. The next chapter will have some action.
Comment vote. Hope you continue on with me.


Tale Of Sarna The Shield Warrior First United ArmyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang