"No! Idiot!" I practically yelled.

"Good. Because I didn't want to leave you." The Canadian smiled, pressing his lips to mine. I happily kissed him back.

We talked to Dr. James about my next appointment and scheduling my ultrasound before we left. We made our way to Bret's car and back to my place. But not before Bret suggested we pick up dinner, which I happily agreed with. We ended up with food from the Waffle House because I was craving a waffle.

Eventually we ended up back at my place. I had changed out if my clothes and into one of Bret's shirts that he had left over. We laid back in my bed and ate while talking about his next endeavor to go to Japan with Tom and Davey. But not Jim.

"So he's not going?" I raised my brow.

"Nope. He said he was going to stay in the Florida area while we were gone. Vince mentioned something about him failing a drug test but I didn't want to ask him." Bret groaned, shaking his head.

"When do you guys leave?" I asked, laying my legs over his.

"Next month if Vince gets it all booked. He wants us to pull in as many supports as we can. I'm going to be doing singles until we get back in the states." He said, eating a piece of bacon.

"I want you to come with me if we do." Bret said randomly.

"Why?" I asked with a laugh.

"Because, I want you there. And I think that's enough reasoning." He shrugged.

"And now you're pregnant... I think it's for the best for a little while." The Canadian smiled.

I kissed him passionately before we both pulled away. I didn't try to hide my smile. I was happy.

"My career is done." I looked into his brown eyes and shook my head playfully.

"Baby, when I become a champion, you're not going to have to worry." Bret mused, smiling.

"So that's all it takes to get a sugar daddy?" I quirked my brow, smirking.

"You're not funny." He rolled his eyes.

"You're not either." I sassed him back.

"Let's schedule the ultrasound for next week. I'll make sure I'm here to see it." The brunette man stated, his thumb gently stroking my hand. His hand had moved onto my currently flat stomach as we gazed at each other.

"So we're doing this?" I asked, pushing my hair from my face.

"There isn't anyone else I would rather share my life with than you." Bret reassured me.

"I hate you. You're so cheesy." I wrinkled my nose at him.

"You're the worst to express feelings with." He chuckled.

"Let's not tell anyone for a little bit. I want to make sure everything is okay before we tell anyone. Including your family– oh god your family. Bret. They're going to be so fucking happy." I began sincerely before I gasped and widened my eyes.

"Don't worry. Kat, we're not stressing about them right now." He put his hands on my shoulders and shook his head.

"I swear to god if Ellie says anything. I'm going to break her fucking nose." I stated seriously.

"Will Celeste say anything?" Bret asked trying not to chuckle at my previous statement.

"Probably not. But if she does, it will be to Tom." I rolled my eyes.

"I can't believe his crazy ass is actually dating your little sister. If they get married he's going to be my brother in law. And Davey already is my brother in law. Shit's getting creepy." He snorted, I shook my head at him.

He must not have liked my response because he was grabbing my fork from me as I had just ate the last of my waffle off of it.

"Is there a reason you don't want me eating and feeding your child?" I asked, smirking.

Bret smiled and handed me my fork back. I punched his shoulder and rolled my eyes at him.

"I thought it was our child since, you know. We have sex every other day." He mused clearly enjoying staying how active we were.

"Keep it up, Hart and you won't get laid for nine months." I snapped.

"You couldn't resist." He grinned cockily.

"Please, we know it's the other way around." I smirked.

We laid in bed and talked for a little while. Bret has fallen asleep at least thirty minutes before I got a sudden craving for cake, getting up, I walked into my kitchen, searching through my fridge.

I gasped when I felt hands on my hips, rocking me onto my feet.

"You do know that shit is getting old." I laughed before turning around and pushing away the man behind me. I raised my hand and smacked his cheek really hard.

"Ow! Jesus, Kat! You trying to kill me?!" A voice haunting me from my past wretched in pain.

"Bryan Drake?! How in the hell did you get in!" I growled, swinging around and shoving his chest.

"It was our house, Kat!" My ex husband snapped back.

"I'm calling the police." I stated, reaching for the phone on my wall.

"Don't! I just want to talk to you. Can we just talk? That's all I want." Bryan begged me, practically jumping in front of me.

I sucked in a silent, deep and weary breath. The past was meant to stay behind us. I knew I was by far a saint, but something told me to hear him out. I was a better person than what I used to be.

"Fine... thirty minutes Bryan and then I want you gone. Never to come back again." I crossed my arms and motioned for him to walk into my living area.

I followed behind him eerily. Every part of me hoping I just hadn't made a huge mistake.



So Kat is preggo. And her ex husband is back?
What are the odds? Sis can't catch a break.

Btw thusbis how I imagine Mr. Bryan Drake lookin.

He's kinda fine ladies

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He's kinda fine ladies.
Any takers???

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