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Hello everyone! I hope that 2019 is treating you better than in 2018!

Here is the first chapter of the New Year!



"Bang." The sound of the gunshot echoed through the walls of the mansion.

Hunter looked with empty eyes at the body lying beneath his feet. He handed the gun to the guard standing beside him and accepted the wet cloth the man offered. He cleaned his already spotless hands, then wore his coat and left the room.

"What on earth Hunter? I gave you orders to keep him alive. He was our last captive." These were the first words Hunter heard upon entering his father's office.

"I see that news travel here faster than on the BBC," Hunter said sarcastically.

"It's not the time for your inexistent humour Hunter. Now answer my question, and I suggest you be serious." Damien ordered with a hard tone.

"I got the name of the person who ordered the attack on the Don's mansion."

"Then why did you kill the man? Maybe we would have got more information if he was alive."

"He said that Lucca Ignacio was responsible for the attack, but I know he was lying. It was his last resort to get out of the situation. He wanted to create conflicts between the two families, and that would be beneficial for the real culprit."

"And if he was truthful?" Damien asked his son. He was sure that the Ignacio family wasn't responsible, but he wanted to see how his son was analysing the information he got.

"If he was a man from the Ignacio family, he wouldn't have said a word. The bastards are loyal to the family, and they favour death rather than betrayal. Even if I don't like Lucca, I can't deny that the man believes in honour and would always protect his men no matter what. So if the men we captured were his, he would have done everything to get them back. The one we are dealing with now is a sordid leader, who doesn't care about anything, but himself."

Damien was impressed by Hunter's conclusion not that he was surprised since he knew very well that his son had a sharp mind and a meticulous observation.

"And who do you suggest was responsible for this?"

"I think who did this was sending a direct warning to us. He gave us the message that he can attack us in our home and got away with it. Also, he wanted us to make new enemies since he involved the Ignacio family with whom we have an unstable relationship. In my opinion, it's a new family trying to rise and prove itself. Or in another scenario, it's an old family which suffered on our hands and kept a low profile, but now decided to return and take her place on the top once again while taking its revenge."

"You mean an old enemy trying to surface again."

"Exactly," Hunter confirmed his father's words.

"We have a lot of enemies old and new. So it's hard to specify who the culprit was. But for now, I think that who did this isn't from the USA."

"What do you mean?" Hunter asked.

"When we captured the men, I noticed they have a slight accent they tried to hide." Damien clarified.

"Accent? I didn't notice any accents in their voice." Hunter furrowed his eyebrows in concentration trying to remember his conversation with the captives.

"Like I said it was barely visible, but it was there I am sure. I think it's Russian, even their traits suggest they are coming from the north side of the world."

An innocent girl in a mafia campWhere stories live. Discover now