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The meeting room was chaotic and full of chatter from the people there as they all spoke about business and the upcoming challenges facing them. It was a long time since the DON summoned them, and the fact that he chose this time of the year was disturbing to the majority of the invited members. Usually, he held these meetings in the first months of every New Year and not at the beginning of summer.

Suddenly, everyone grew quiet and stood up as a form of greeting to the DON. He took his seat at the head of the meeting table with others following his action and sitting as well in their designed chairs. They were anticipating what he was about to say. After what felt like hours but in reality was mere minutes he finally spoke

"I know you are wondering why I am holding this meeting today. Well, as you all know the last years were very difficult especially the period of our last war against our enemies. We won, but the price was high, we lost a lot of our members and when I say members I mean ones of the best which lead us to the main reason for our meeting today; your children. From the reports I get, they are not training hard and they are being lazy, and if they put any effort they do it just to show off or prove to others that they are strong, and that's not what we need. From what I see most of them have abilities to be leaders but they need us to improve their skills. You know that any organization is based on the loyalty and strength of its members. So I can't afford to have weak ones in my organization, even if most of them are our grandchildren or the children of my allies. I understand you were busy trying to rebuild what we lost. And I am proud to say that we came a long way. In less than two years we were able to regain our position as the strongest family in the business empire. So it is the time we do our duty towards our children and future leaders. Everyone is present today will receive an e-mail that will explain what I am intending to do. Read it carefully and make your choice."

He then eyed his three present sons and nephew while saying

"You also will receive the e-mail, but you won't have a choice. My grandchildren will do as I say, and when I say my grandchildren I mean all of them without exceptions". He said the last part eying his eldest son.

He looked at his other allies who were present in the room and said

"As for you gentlemen and ladies, you have the choice. You can agree with me, or refuse my offer, the decision is yours. So tomorrow morning I want all of the participants in my mansion at nine sharp, not one minute late am I clear?"

Like the Don was anticipating, Damien his eldest son cleared his throat and stated strongly

"I don't know about the rest of the attendants but I think my son Hunter had better stay with me this summer. I will see to it he will have proper training"

The don smiled at his son, and said to the other presents

"Are there any other objections? Or are you okay with my decision?"

All the attendants nod their heads in agreement, even if they don't know the reason behind his request they can't question him and they have to submit to his orders. He gave them the choice but they knew it was just a protocol because what the Don wants, the Don will get no matter what.

The only one who dares to question him was Damien and let's just say that the latter was his son and the next Don so him questioning his father's orders isn't new and everyone by now we're used to it.

After the DON is satisfied with their silent acceptance, he spoke again in his cold and dismissive tone

, "That's all, everyone can leave now apart from Damien, Jasper, Ayla, Edward, and Jackson, I want you to stay behind."

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