Forty eight

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Isobel P.O.V.

A literal month had passed by.

Kade hadn't messaged or called me at all.

Why am I not surprised?

It was gut-wrenching at first, but I chose to leave and to see if he would continue this. I explained to Sophie that I had left without saying anything because I meant to leave things open-ended between us, in hopes that he would reach out to me and actually start up something for real. Also, I wanted him to do it himself, and not because he was told to or because I wanted to. I wanted him to figure out whether I was worth it or not. Whether he wanted me to be in his life. No more games. I don't know if I was being silly, but to me, if he reached out, then it would prove something to me.

But alas after waiting, a few days, a week, and then two, I shut off my emotions and my mind to the idea of us and just threw it away. To be honest, I was definitely disappointed, but I wasn't as hurt as I was six years ago.

I think this time around, my mind was mentally prepared for whatever we had, to just be, whatever we had. I wasn't going to be torn apart if he didn't contact me. I refused to be that girl. I couldn't let that hurt seep in and poison everything I'd built for myself. I didn't want to feel and cry for this person who didn't want me as much as I wanted them, as much as they made me want them. That was not going to happen again, not this time.

And so, I went on with my daily life, focussing on my work to try and forget him again. I was basically a professional at that. I placed all the memories of him deep within my mind, locking it away and withstanding the temptation to reminisce.

I'm not upset, angry, mad or sad. It is what it is. Well, that's what I kept telling myself anyway to try and remain positive. I can't feel this way.


After another successful issue of Red was
printed and run, I ordered myself a dinner-for-one as usual once I got home.

Hearing the chime of the buzzer, I let the delivery person into the building and waited patiently until they arrived at my door. The knock came and I bounced up from the lounge immediately. Swinging my door open, my jaw dropped as I came face-to-face with someone completely unexpected.

"Kade." I stated in surprise, blinking a few times to make sure this was all real.

"Live in the flesh." He winked, before leaning against the doorframe. "Now aren't you gonna let me in?"

I blinked once again, speechless.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned curiously, frowning at his stupid, cocky asshole self.

"Coming to see you, obviously." He said, sliding past my figure still rooted in my spot.

I turned around, before all these emotions burst from their hiding spot and hit me at once like a bucket of ice cold water. "What the hell Whitley." I snapped. "You can't just freaking ghost me or be radio silent for a whole freaking month then show up at my doorstep and barge in here expecting for me to act the same?! What? Do you think that I'll just keep falling for you, whenever you feel like it? Whenever you feel like swooping into my life like all is forgiven? Then leave?"

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