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Isobel P.O.V.

I knocked on the door of the devil's bedroom with a sigh. I could've texted Tobias, but I didn't want to hassle him to come get me and then drop me off after. I'm not sure how far away he lived, so he could've been on his way already and I might not be on his route.

"Two time's in one day?" Kade grinned, swinging the door open. At least he had clothes on this time, thank goodness.

"Yup." I popped the P. "Could I perhaps borrow your car for the night?" I asked quickly.

He crossed his arms over before giving me a once-over. "And where might you be going, dressed like that?"

"Out to dinner." I responded, hoping to get this over with.

"Uh huh," he said slowly, his face giving away nothing about what he was thinking. "With who?"

"With Tobias, not that it's any of your business." I replied, crossing my arms over to match his stance.



"Interesting." He nodded curtly.

"Wha- ughhh," I groaned, stomping my foot. "Look I don't have time for your games right now Whitley. I'm going to be late. Can I borrow it or not?"

"Hm, what's the magic word?" he smirked, tilting his head playfully.

"Please?" I sighed. I feel like ever since he's stepped foot back into my life, I've reverted to being a 12-yr old child.

"Nope," he grinned.


"C'mon Bel," he leaned down closer to me, inches away from my face. "Think," he whispered, his eyes sparkling with mischief. This can't be good.

I pursed my lips to the side in thought, as I stared at him with my eyebrows furrowed. What could it possi-


I can't believe I'm about to sink to this level again...

"Kadeismyhero." I mumbled quickly under my breath.

His grin grew bigger as he cupped a hand around his ear. "What was that?"


"Kade is my hero."

He snickered in amusement at my expense, before grabbing his keys. I stood there with a flat look on my face.


"Let's go," he swung an arm around my shoulder.

"I am very much capable of making my way to your car..." I said, pushing the arm off me.

"Now now Bels, I wouldn't be your hero if I didn't give you a lift there myself."


"Thanks for nothing!" I yelled, slamming the car door shut as he dropped me off at the restaurant.

"Always the polite lady now aren't cha!" He yelled back, speeding off with the loud rumble of his exhaust.

I took one calming breath before making my way into Mamma Luisa's. I'm going to catch up with Tobias, and have fun. No Kade. My mouth began watering at the scent of hearty, wholesomely cooked food as I wandered inside. I'm starving.

"Hi madam, do you have a reservation?" A hostess approached me.

"Oh no, I'm looking for-"


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