"I've got you, princess"

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Katie's POV

It's been two days.

Two days since I lasted talked to Calum and said the most stupid things.

I feel so bad but he hasn't tried to call me and I'm so scared to call him first.

What if he's mad at me? I mean I know were not together but I still shouldn't have said that. I really like Calum and I want us to work out but I'm almost certain that I've ruined the closet thing I've ever had to love.

I knew I had to call him which is why I'm pacing around my hotel room with my phone in my hand but so far I haven't even worked up the courage to unlock my phone.

Okay deep breathes.

I can do this!

So what if he hates me and takes back his love, at least I called first right?

Okay that's not helping.

Stuff it, I'm going to call him and just get over myself so I can apologize.

My fingers moved against the phone before I was even ready and within seconds it was ringing.


"Hello?" A rough voice called out making me hold my breath because of how nervous I was.

"Katie? Is that you?" He sounded worried as he spoke louder this time making me sigh and unwillingly let out my breath.

"Hey Calum..."

"What's the matter baby?" He sounded so caring but I don't understand how he could be.

Wait did he just say baby?!

"I just wanted to call and say sorry for what I said the other day, it wasn't fair of me to say that and I'm really sorry." I blurted out my words before I had the chance to over think what I was doing.

I hate being the bigger person and I hate saying sorry to people but I knew I had to do this.

"Sorry for what? We haven't talked since the first day you left."

What the actual fuck!

I knew he was drunk but I didn't think he was that drunk that he wouldn't remember anything I said or even talking to me at all.

"Oh." I whispered softly and ran my hand through my hair out of habit.

"Did we talk the other day? I was really drunk and I'm sorry if I said something I shouldn't have."

I considered telling him what happened and what I said but that wasn't a very good idea.

"Uh yeah we talked but not about anything important, did you get home safe?" I asked and heard him clear his throat awkwardly.

"Um I went home with a friend but I was okay, don't worry baby."

I was angry with the unbelieving tone laced in his voice but I couldn't really say anything since I had kissed Niall that same day.

"I need to go." I seethed through clenched teeth and hung up before he could say anything else.

I threw my phone onto the couch and was next to where I was pacing and picked up a pillow before shoving my face into it and screaming as loud as I could into it.

Once I felt a bit calmer and chucked the pillow back where it belonged and stomped over to the empty music sheets I had laying on the small kitchen table.

I was trying to get some music done while Liam and the boys were at rehearsal but I couldn't think clearly and I thought talking to Calum would help me but all it did was make me feel numb.

A life of Payne (1D/5SOS) *HEAVEY EDITING*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ