"We were never together."

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Katie's POV

*5th January 2014* 

I Pulled my suitcase through the doors of our apartment and instantly ran over to the couch and flopped onto it. Oh how I have missed this comfy couch.

After six days we finally came home from the cabin today and I could not be more happy about it. Now all the boys are doing their own thing for a while which means that I don't have to feel the awkward tension between Niall and myself. It's not that we haven't been talking to each other because we have but it kind of feels like we've gone back to being just friends which is really crap because I know we both like each other but he refuses to show me any kind of affection.

After the New Years eve party the closest thing to affection he has shown me is probably patting me on the back when I was choking on water which was his fault in the first place for talking about how he is going to try and get Selena Gomez to go on a date with him. I mean who talks about stuff like that when they know someone in the room likes them!

"Katie? Are you okay?" Ash asked as she came and sat next to me.

Honestly I'm not even sure how to answer that question.

"I think I just need some time by myself, I'm going to go watch a movie. I will talk to you later." Ash nodded as I stood up, I gave Liam and Ash quick hugs then walked towards my movie room.

I locked the movie rooms door then wrapped myself in the countless amounts of blankets I had in here from when Niall was watching movies with me before we left for new years. He kept complaining that he was cold so now there is like ten overly fluffy blankets in here.

I pulled one of the blankets over to my cheek and ran the soft fabric over it to see how soft it was. I could still slightly smell the fragrance of Nialls hair product from when he had pulled the blankets over us during a scary movie. The memory and the smell made me laugh which is the exact opposite reaction that I thought I would have.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and started whatever movie was in the DVD player. Unlucky for me it was 'he's just not that into you'.

What a great movie to watch when I already have boys problems, the ending is both happy and sad so I have no idea how this movie is going to make me feel.

The movie was only about ten minutes through when I could feel my eyelids growing heavier, I decided not to fight it just closed my eyes.


The slamming of the movie rooms door woke me up, I'm sure I locked that door!

I slowly opened my eyes to see a very unhappy looking Niall. Crap the look in his eyes scared me so much.

"I'm sick of this!" He yelled probably waking up the whole building and making me ten times more scared.

I tried to regain some of my confidence by standing up and walking towards him but I knew that my shortness wouldn't help.

"Sick of what?" I spat.

"You! Your such a tease and you don't even try to be! Ever since you came along I can't even look at another girl the way I look at you but yet you look at other guys without a care in the world!" His words took me by surprise, I gasped slightly and backed away from him.

 He started to walk towards me which made me back into the wall.

"No more playing games." He whispered into my ear then began to suck on my neck until he found my sweet spot. I moaned at the feeling but then quickly tried to push him away once I realised that my brother and best friend could find us at any minute. He grabbed my wrist so I could push at his chest anymore then brought his lips to mine.

A life of Payne (1D/5SOS) *HEAVEY EDITING*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu