brotherly love

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Liam's POV

"Liam! mate calm down and tell me what is wrong!" Louis laughed through the phone at me, like literally laughed at the fact that I was almost having a panic attack.

"Well she is extremely grumpy and I know she is not hung over because she didn't drink last night and she keeps saying that her stomach hurts and she is eating like crazy and I have no idea what's wrong!" I rambled on to Louis through the phone. There is definitely something wrong with Katie today but I don't know what it is.

"Oh my god Louis! What if she is pregnant!"

"Really? She is far to innocent for that. I can't believe you would even think that."

He laughed at me again. The only reason I called Louis is because I thought Katie would have told him if something was wrong but he is not being helpful at all.

"You are so stupid mate. I'm sorry but I had to say that." He tried to contain his laughter but I could still hear him giggling through the phone at me.

"Liam she is at that time of the month."

Crap. I didn't think of that! Oh god I have no clue what to do.

"Louis you have so many younger sisters! What the hell do I do? Girlfriends always try to hide this from their boyfriends so I have never had to deal with this." I began to panic again not having a clue about how to handle a teenage girl on her period.

"Okay. All she needs is lots of ice cream and cuddles that will turn into a punching bag during the crazy mood swings." Louis' words honestly made me scared of how to handle this.

"Oh god. Am I going to end up with bruises all over me?" He laughed again. Well I'm glad someone finds this funny.

"Hopefully not mate, do you want me to handle this? I'm not busy today." I thought about it for a minute before making up my mind. I knew that Katie and Louis were on good terms again but I also knew that Katie didn't want to be around him alone because she was a big believer that if you spend to much time around someone that you use to like that the feelings will return and that's not something Katie wants or needs right now.

"No I think I need to handle this on my own. Plus I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be very happy if she found out that you know she has her uh thing." I couldn't bring myself to say the word period to another guy, that's just a bit to weird.

"Hate to break it to you Liam but you're on speaker and the other lads heard everything." Just then I heard all the boys start breaking down in laughter that they have been holding in during the whole phone call.

"Crap. Thanks Louis." I couldn't help the sarcasm that found its way to my voice.

"Mate it's just funny that you have never had to deal with this before." I heard Harry say through the phone then start laughing with everyone else. Harry only arrived back in London earlier today and this is the first thing he says to me, if I wasn't freaking out right now I would be so mad at him for not coming over and saying hi like he usually does when he gets back from a trip but I guess he did just break up with Kendell so I will let him get away with it.

"Well screw you guys! You guys are honestly no help, I guess I should try and talk to her. Bye lads." I wanted to get off the phone as fast as possible because these idiots were honestly not making this any easier.

"Remember Liam! Ice cream and cuddles!" Louis said to me before I ended the call.

I gulped and pulled myself off of the couch and made my way towards the kitchen.

I opened the freezer and grabbed Katie's favourite ice cream which is strawberry. A very plain yet still good flavour. Then grabbed a few extra snacks out of the pantry just in case she decides to reject the ice cream but I doubt that will happen.

A life of Payne (1D/5SOS) *HEAVEY EDITING*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt