Good intentions

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Liam's POV

Shocked. That is the only emotion I could register right now. What the hell is with the sudden mood change towards living with me?

"Why would you want to move out Katie? You literally only have a few people that really care about you and you're willing to isolate yourself even more by moving out?" Even though I practically yelled my whole sentence at her she kept calm and kept her eyes on the road, thank goodness she doesn't have road rage like I do because this would not turn out well if we were both angry.

"Because you fucking lied to me Liam! I don't legally have to live with you and you never bothered to tell me that! And not to mention I can change my name back to Dobbs if I want! When were you going to tell me that huh?"

I couldn't even look at her even though she had her eyes on the road I felt myself tearing up just because of how angry she was at me.

I know I should have told her sooner but I was hoping that if I told everyone to keep quiet about it then I could get her to trust and love me so then when she found out she wouldn't be so into the idea of changing her name again.

I want her to stay Katie Payne, not Katie Dobbs.

"Katie I know I should have told you sooner but I had a good reason not to!" I yelled at her again and surprisingly she still stayed rather calm. She parked her car in her normal spot and took a deep breathe before turning towards me.

"You lead me to believe that I had to do everything your way, be who you wanted me to be, tell you freaking everything because you were my guardian but it turns out you stopped being that on my birthday. The day you should've told me about this." She didn't even give me a second to let her words sink in before she jumped out of the car and slammed her door just as I was about to say something.

I quickly scrambled out the passenger door and closed it much more gentler then she had, jogging to catch up with Katie I just managed to reach her as the elevator doors opened. She rolled her eyes at me once she realized that I got to the elevator in time and turned away from me as the doors closed with just the two of us in here.

The silence between us was horrible and the only things heard was the beeping the elevator would make each time it passed a floor and the angry uneven breathing coming from both Katie and myself.

Finally we reached the top floor and as soon as the doors were open Katie slipped out and walked as fast as she could down the hall to our apartment.

"We are not finished talking about this Katie!" Just as I said that Katie unlocked the front door just to find the other four lads all sitting on the couch watching TV. Well they were watching TV before they heard me yell at Katie and now they're all staring at us.

Katie groaned and turned around to face me.

"Yes we are finished talking about this! You're not my legal guardian and you're not my fucking dad so stop trying to be!" She slightly turned to look at the other boys and as soon as she locked eyes with Niall her anger increased.

"Why the hell are you four here? Don't you have houses of your own?" They all looked surprised to be hearing Katie talk like that but what can we expect when she lives and hangs out with mainly boys and only has one friend who is a girl.

"Gee chill out kiddo. Harry and Ashley had their first argument and we didn't really know how to help him so we thought we would just wait here until you got home so you could help him." Louis talked like he was trying so hard not to laugh at how angry Katie was and I'm glad he found the right moment to hold his laughter in because it could of got really ugly if he didn't.

A life of Payne (1D/5SOS) *HEAVEY EDITING*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu