All is revealed

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Niall's POV

It must of been about four in the morning when Katie finally fell asleep, and it was now six. I knew I needed to get at least a few hours sleep but I wanted someone to be awake and watch Katie, not in a creepy way but to make sure nothing happens to her. Oh god the feelings that I've developed for this girl, and so quickly. It's almost supernatural how fast they've grown.

I decided to text Harry and tell him to come into my room. By the time Harry showed up at my door he looked so pissed off that I had woken up and his features started to soften when he took a look at the small sleeping girl cuddled up next to me. Her cheeks were tear stained and she was curled up into the side of my chest, even in her sleep she looked so unhappy and terrified. Poor Girl.

"Are you gana go to sleep in my room or what?" Harry asked in a whisper to not wake up Katie.

"Um yeah just sit on the couch or on the bed next to Katie but don't wake her up. And make sure you don't scare her when she wakes up." I said just as quiet trying to move away from Katie. She groaned in her sleep and tried to reach out to me. God that was really cute. I leaned over and kissed her on the forehead and she calmed down.

"I'll be up in a couple of hours."


I woke up and it was only six in the morning. I only slept two hours but yet I'm not tired. I just feel like something important is going to happen today, it feels really weird.

I got up out of Harry's bedroom which was a lot messier than he usually has it. I went into the Kitchen to grab a cup of coffee and found that Louis, Liam and Zayn were all up already drinking coffee around the island in the kitchen.

"Morning." I said still slightly asleep.

"Hey mate, how was Katie last night? did she get any sleep?" Liam asked being a lot calmer than last night but still quite pissed, you could just tell by looking at him.

"She was really shaken up most of the night but eventually she fell asleep early this morning. I'm really worried about what she's going to ask today, she probably has a lot of questions."

Liam sighed heavily before looking down at the ground.

"I promised her that everything will be explained today. I was stupid to make that promise wasn't I?"

They all looked at me smiling before Zayn spoke up.

"It wasn't stupid mate, in fact it's a good thing." I looked at him confused. What is he on about?

Liam saw my confused state and elaborated for me.

"It's all going down today..."

"What do you mean?"

"She finds out the truth today.... about everything."

Before I had a chance to reply we heard a small thud and a yelp come from my bedroom. I ran there as fast as I could to see Harry lying on the bed with his hands behind his head and Katie sitting on the floor looking quiet scared. shit.

Katie's POV

The early morning sun started to hit my face through with open curtains of the bedroom window. As I thought about it for a second I remembered that my hotel room didn't have a sunrise view, mine had the sunset view on the other side of the hotel. I kept my eyes closed not really wanting to wake up yet. I started to think about why the sun was in my eyes when all the memories from last night came flooding back to me. I moved closer into the middle of the bed hoping to cuddle in to Niall again because lets face it who wouldn't want to cuddle with him.

A life of Payne (1D/5SOS) *HEAVEY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now