An aliens world

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Katie's POV

Once the lame little announcement was over and countless different people had introduced themselves to me, we starting getting ready to leave the building. Thank god because I was so jet lagged and just wanted to sleep this whole thing away, hoping I would wake up in New Zealand again.

There was still so many cameras around which made me glad that I had dressed nicely to say goodbye before we got on the plane because we came straight here. Knowing that my picture would be all over the world in less than a day from now really scared me because what if people thought I was ugly or fat?

"Katie are you ready?" Liam asked me as he made his way over to me with Louis.

I nodded and Liam grabbed my hand to lead me outside.

When we got outside I noticed that there were more girls out here than when we went inside. Awesome.

Most of the girls were yelling trying to get the attention of Liam or Louis but I heard a few faint calls of my name. Oh god they just found out who I was and they were already calling my name.

I turned my head in the direction that my name was coming from and saw a group of girls waving at me.

I put on a small smile and waved back with my free hand since my other hand was still holding Liam's hand.

"Shit I left my jacket in there. Louis! Watch Katie for a second." Liam said while letting go of my hand and running inside.

Louis moved closer to me and smiled down at me so I smiled back.

"Come on. I am going to say hi to some fans, since no one else is outside yet I need you to come with me." Louis said linking his arm with mine.

We walked over to the fence that all the fans were standing behind. Some of them smiled at me while others glared but none of them said anything to me which is good because I don't feel like talking right now, I'm to tired.

Louis was talking to some girls and taking a few pictures with them while I stood awkwardly next to him. Out of nowhere the girls that in front of me said hi which gave me a bit of a fright.

"Oh um hi." I smiled to them not expecting anyone to actually want to talk to me.

"So are you like a Payne for real or did they adopt you now?" One of the girls asked me. obliviously not hearing what Liam had said in the announcement.

"I'm a Payne I was adopted out when I was younger but some stuff has happened with my old family so now I'm a Payne again." I smiled to her while she and her friends processed what I just said.

Louis smiled from next to me and guided me to some more fans down the fence that wanted to say hi to him but these ones just seemed to glare at me rather than saying hi.

While Louis was taking some photos with a fan, a camera man bumped into me causing me to get to close to the fence.

All of the sudden one of the fans who had a wicked looking grin on her face, reached out and scratched the side of my face with her nails. I let out a small yelp before covering my face with my hand.

The same girl pushed me as hard as she could through the fencing which caused me to fall on my butt and let out another yelp.

"YOU ATTENTION SEEKING WHORE!!!" The fan screamed at me then all her friends began yelling things at me too but I couldn't make out much of what they were yelling.

Louis turned around to see me on the ground and ran back over to me and helped me up. I really wanted to cry right now but I wasn't going to in front of so many people.

A life of Payne (1D/5SOS) *HEAVEY EDITING*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora