Out of place? Or just unique?

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Katie's POV

*3 weeks later. 3rd February 2014*

I stared at myself in the mirror.

You could literally see how nervous I was just by looking in my eyes.

Why did I ever agree to start university?

After a lot of thinking and Liam begging me to give it a chance, I agreed to apply for university and much to my surprise I was accepted.

Liam enrolled me into the music and drama classes meaning that I didn't haven't as many classes as other people but it also meant that the only degree I will be getting is as a musician/actress.

Liam said that doing this will help me find a career in the future, he said that I was talented enough to make it and that I shouldn't doubt myself and carry on the tradition of talented Payne's.

I took one last deep breathe before walking out of my room and towards the lounge room expecting to just find Liam but instead I found all of One Direction and 5 seconds of summer sitting in the lounge watching TV.

My first class wasn't until lunch time and it was only ten o'clock so I grabbed my blue converse from beside the front door and walked over and sat next in between Luke and Calum. I slipped my feet into my shoes and attempted to tie the laces but I was so nervous about today that my hands kept shaking.

"Here let me help." Calum's voice beside me made me jump and sit up properly so he could tie the laces for me since I couldn't do it.

"I want to help too." Luke said also making me jump as he tied my other shoe.

"You alright there Katie?" Liam asked while laughing at how nervous I was, I do not find this a laughing matter! In a few hours I will be walking down the halls of a university with no friends and countless amounts of eyes judging me.

"No" I told him truthfully because everyone here could see that I wasn't ok so what is the point of lying about it.

"It's okay Katie, just breathe." Calum soothed my worries away with just those words. How the hell did he manage to calm me down so easily when I couldn't even calm myself down?

I leaned into Calum's arms and hugged him which he happily excepted and hugged me back while we both turned our attention to the basketball game that all the boys were watching.

I was just beginning to understand how the game worked when it was halftime and Liam paused the TV to go and get a drink from the kitchen, Niall and Ashton followed Liam while Zayn went out on the balcony for a smoke. Oh how I could use a smoke right now but I haven't had one since I moved to London and today is nowhere near as difficult compared to what else I have had to face so I'm not going to crack now.

It was silent and I was still wrapped in Calum's arms, it was rather nice until Harry went and ruined it.

"Hey Calum? Can you tie my shoe laces too?" He had such a sarcastic smile on his face that if I didn't personally know how nice he could be I would think he was a huge asshole.

"You're not as cute as Katie is when your nervous so no." Calum replied with so much confidence in his words that it honestly made him more attractive in my eyes.

I knew I was slowly falling for Calum but didn't have time to over think it today because I had bigger things to stress over.

I checked the time on my phone to see that it was now an hour before my first class and since it's my first day I need to get there early to pick up my schedule and such.

I fixed my ponytail and checked my make up in the camera of my phone. I decided that I would drive myself since Liam has all the boys over and I wouldn't want him to have to miss the rest of the basketball just so he could drop me off when I have my own car.

A life of Payne (1D/5SOS) *HEAVEY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now