Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six


I raced up to my room and knocked on the door frantically with tears streaming down my face.

"Back so soon?", Olivia smirked as she opened the door, clearly not seeing the state I was in.

I barged right in and walked to my bed, sitting at the edge of it.

I placed my head into my hands and let the tears flow out.

"Robin. I'm really sorry", Olivia said apologetically and gave me a hug.

"Hey, what's wrong?", Jenine said as she walked over and sat down right next to me, putting her hand on my back.

"He stood me up", I sobbed as Natasha rushed over to me.

"It's all just a misunderstanding. I'm sure of it", Natasha said.

"Really? Because last time I checked when your boyfriend doesn't show up at your date, it's called being stood up", I snapped looking up at them.

They didn't say anything.

I looked to the side and noticed a pile of the puck I have retrieved up against the wall.

"I know what your thinking. Don't hesitate", Olivia genuinely smiled at me.

I nodded my head once in agreement.

I got up from my bed and walked to the pile.

I grabbed all 7 pucks but hesitated to move from that postion.

"He stood you up. Those pucks don't matter to you anymore. He doesn't even matter to you anymore", Natasha said to me in an almost upset tone.

I took in one, big, deep breath and threw the pucks across the room as hard as I could.

I needed to get rid of anything that reminded me of him.

My eyes looked over to the area of where the pucks landed.

They were shattered, and torn apart.

I looked at the new pile in confusion.

There were puzzle pieces mixed in with the broken pieces.

"Puzzle pieces?", I with a nasally voice and wiping off one last tear from my cheek.

I walked to the pile and picked up each piece and counted them.

18 pieces.

I brought them with me with care to the bed.

"Should I put it together?", I asked unsurely.

"Isn't that what you do with puzzle pieces?", Natasha laughed.

I looked at Natasha and then back down at the pieces and began putting them together.

Once I put in the final piece I took one good look at the completed puzzle.

It was a rectangular shape and on half of it was a picture of a moon with a black starry background and on the other half was a sun with a blue sky and clouds on the background. 

"That's why I was so nervous this morning", Jenine said which broke the silence.

"All of this was supposed to happen", Olivia added.

"Even him standing me up?", I asked.

"Even him standing you up", Natasha answered.

"He wanted to do something special for you because your special to him. The pucks purposely had bumps because they contained three puzzle pieces in each puck. He needed you to have an excuse to hate him so you could discover the surprise and well, here it is", Jenine explained as she gestered to the puzzle.

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