Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter 28

Hours had eventually passed and I found myself staring at my room ceiling at 3 in the morning.

I feel so tired but I can't seem to shut my eyes though eventually I did.

I instantly woke up at 9:30.

My eyes felt heavy and I could feel a headache forming.

I never knew love could cause such physical pain.

I took a hot shower, brush my teeth and slipped into my pair of light grey joggers a simple black hoodie.

I tied up my hair into a high ponytail.

"Good morning sweetie", my dad said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning", I yawned as I grabbed the carton of almond milk and poured it into a clear glass.

"Where's Jason?", I asked as I took a seat at the table.

I found it odd that Jason wasn't in the kitchen because usually he was the first one here.

"He went out with a friend", my dad responded as he continued to read the newspaper.

"A friend eh? I wonder if it's a lady friend",I smirked.

"Let's be honest Robin, what lady would want to be with Jason?", my dad laughed.

"Your so mean", I laughed.

"I'm kidding", he laughed back.

I quickly chugged down the cold milk and put the glass in the sink.

"I'll be back later on. I'm going to head out for a bit", I notified my dad.

He nodded his head.

I slipped on my white converse and went out the door.

I began walking past my former high school and then a park that was filled with families with young children.

I sat down on a bench that overlooked the area.

My mind wondered off to my time in San Francisco and how many memorable moments I've had there.

I decided to give Olivia a call.

"Hello?", she said.

"Hey", I answered.

"Oh hey Robin. What's up?", she asked.

"Nothing. I'm just sitting on a bench at the park", I sighed.

"Mind if I join you?", she said.

"Not at all", I said as a smile smile played on my lips.

"Be there in less than 5 minutes", she said and then we both hung up.

Sure enough, Olivia had found me sitting at the bench in the allotted time.

"Why do you look so depressed?", she asked as she took a seat right next to me.

"Is that what I look like?", I groaned.

"Yeah...", she said.

"Is it Beau?", she added.

"Yeah... I promised myself that I wouldn't beat myself up over him", I admitted.

"You don't have to feel this way. Why don't you go visit him in Pittsburgh?", Olivia suggested.

"I don't want to be a distraction for him. He has hockey to focus on", I said.

"So you rather be sad and miserable all the time rather than go visit him and making yourself happy?", she made me sound like a crazy person.

"Well when you put it that way...", I said.

Toxic (A Beau Bennett Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ