Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen


"Jenine, hey", Beau was the first to say.

"Hey Beau. I hope you don't mind if I join you two", she smiled at him.

"Of course I don't mind. Any friend of mine and Robin's is allowed to hang out with us", he laughed.

"Hello Robin", Jenine said to me in a creeper voice.

"Don't push it", I said to her, jokingly of course.

As much as I tried to keep a straight face as I said it, it was hard not to laugh.

The girl is a darn good person to talk to if you are in a bad mood, but she's also the most civil one.

All 3 of us bursted out laughing and couldn't stop for 2 minutes, straight.

Once we cooled down, we began to carry on a conversation.

"So what note is this? Five?", Jenine said to spark a conversation topic and of course she knew what number this note was because she's been there when I read them all so, I just played along.

"Yup. Lucky number five", Beau couldn't help but smile.

"I thought it's lucky number seven", Jenine said, correcting him.

"Well, I didn't think I'd even be giving her the fourth note so everything past it is a lucky number to me", he explained.

Jenine and Beau started to talk with each other while my phone began chiming as I was recieving a few from Natasha.

(Natasha to Me) 7:32 pm

Are you still with |>o<| at the Museum? Not that I want to rush you but traffic is starting to overflow on the streets so I suggest you leave pronto! 

(Natasha to Me) 7:33 pm

OOOO and Jenine is MIA and I dont know where she is soooooooo.............

(Natasha to Me) 7:34 pm

So basically come back to the room and then we can find Jenine later because lets be honest here, if anyone's a good navagator between us 4 it's her. Your the brains, Olivia's the bronze, I'm the moral support and then there Jenine who is the steerer of the ship. The friendship that is.

I read Natasha's texts and I can say that the last one, as corny as it was, made me laugh and also the first one.

She figures that the word/name 'Beau' should be used to it's 'advantage' so instead of typing out Beau's name, she instead texts a picture of a bow using a few keys.

I shook my head from side-to-side, smiling and then shutting off my phone because I didn't feel that there was a need for me to reply.

"What's so funny?", Beau asked me.

"Oh nothing",' I smirked.

"Give me your phone", Jenine said while she opened up her hand so that I could place my phone on her palm.

I gave it to her willingly and watched as she unlocked it with the passcode.

She clicked on the 'iMessage' app and immidiately, my conversation with Natasha appeared.

Jenine read all the messages with a smile on her face, while Beau tried to look over her shoulder to see what was so funny but Jenine purposely blocked his view.

"Natasha is really something, isn't she?", Jenine laughed.

"That's our typical moral support girl for you", I laughed.

"So, when is it my turn to read?", Beau said anxiously.

"Maybe next time", I smirked once again while taking my phone back from Jenine.

"Tomorrow?", he winked.

"Well, that depends if I get note number six before I leave", I winked back.

"Which is now. I'm getting pretty tired", Jenine added to what I had to say.

"You should go too Beau. Traffic is filling the streets", I said to him.

"Here. The sixth clue", he smiled as he got up and walked over to me, placed his hand in his front pocket and then handed me the familiar folded note.

"Thanks", I said while returning the smile.

I stood up from the bench and wrapped my arms around Beau, embracing him in a hug.

We let go of each other a few moments later as Jenine was 'clearing' her throat.

"Do you two need a ride?", he asked us.

"We're fine", Jenine answered.

"Okay. Then I guess take care and I'll see you tomorrow?", he said looking at Jenine and then looking at me.

"We'll see", I teased.

Beau laughed a tiny bit and stood there.

"It means 'yes' Beau", Jenine clarified.

"Just making sure", he said trying to defend his actions.

"Bye", he said as he walked farther and farther away from us while waving.

"Go away Bennett", I joked and watched as he laughed and finally disappered onto the city streets.

"Well, read the note!", Jenine exclaimed.

"Shouldn't I wait 'till we get to the room so the other girls can read it as well?", I suggested.

"Fine. I guess", Jenine shrugged.

After 10 minutes of wandering around, we finally had found a vacant Taxi.

We told the driver where we were of to and what should've been a 30 minute drive turned out to be an hour and a half drive.

Once we got inside the room, we found that the other 2 girls were sitting down in the living room, texting or playing some games on their phones.

"Read!", Olivia practically screamed at me.

"Okay. Okay. Hold your horses", I said as I sat down next to Jenine on the couch.

I unfolded the note and began to read.

Dearest Robin,

You have recieved the sixth clue and you know what that means. The next clue will be the last and final clue that you will recieve. 

Your trip and my trip will be comng to an end very soon and I can asure you that I'll miss you more than anything in this world because well, you are my world. Throughout these clues, I've come to the realization that my life will never be the same ever since our first date together at North Beach.

I look at you much differently now. I saw you as someone who I had a hopeless crush on but now I see you as my girlfriend. My BEAUtiul (You would've done that too if your name was 'Beau') girlfriend.

The sixth location is somewhere where all travelers go to when they come to San Francisco. It's filled with a variety of shops and adventures suitable for everyone. One of my favorite attractions here is looking at the Sea Lions.



After I concluded reading, I looked up to see the look of 3 confused girls, including myself.

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