Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty


"Um....Okay?", Natasha said.

"I guess that's how a clue should be.....", Jenine said.

"Confusing and lacking alot of descrition.....Just like Robin", Olivia laughed at the last bit.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny", I scoffed at her.

"I try", she smirked at me.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

"Robin pass me the note", Jenine said and I did as I was told.

Jenine began mumbling to herself many times, reading the note over and over again and trying to decode the location.

"Sea Lions sounds so familiar to me but I just can't put my finger on it", Jenine said as she was processing all the information and so was I.

A light bulb went off in my head and after a few minutes, I finally was able to solve the clue.

"Pier 39!", I screamed.

"Yeah, I've heard about that place before", Jenine confirmed.

"Well, if it's at 10:30 in the morning  you best be going to sleep right now", Olivia said while getting up and walking to her bed.

"Oh and Olivia and Natasha, don't think I didn't know about the toilet paper 'decorations'" , I said to them.

"We didn't do anything! In fact, we were the ones to take it down not putting it up", Olivia explained.

"Then who else could it have been?", I asked then suspiciously.

"We thought it was Jenine who did it while we were gone", Natasha said.

"Well I didn't! I was asleep the enitre time until I found that I was alone in the room because a couple of people decided to ditch me", Jenine said angerily.

"If you guys didn't do it....then who did?", I asked.

"That's creepy....", Natasha said as she gave a spooked out look.

"Let's just go to sleep", Olivia begged as she collapsed onto her bed.

"Agreed", Natasha yawned as she got up as well and headed to her bed.

"Goodnight Robin", Jenine smiled as she walked to her suitcase and then to the bathroom to ge ready for bed.

I was left sitting on the couch for a while and I had remembered that I had yet to scroll through Beau's Instagram account, so that is what I did.

I scrolled through a few selfies and by the time I reached the 4th photo, I noticed an all too familiar picture.

Me in the tree at Chinatown.

I read the caption and I could sense a foolish smile playing on my lips.

Beautiful city; but an even more beautiful girl.

I was hesitant to 'like' or 'comment' on the picture because then he'd know for sure that I was creeping his account.

I passed on doing anything to the picture and continued to scroll down.

Out of all 32 pictures that he had posted, most of them were pictures of Beau and his friends.

He's even guilty of a few 'Throwback Thursdays".

"Someone looks happy", Jenine said as she walked out of the bathroom while braiding her hair.

"Gosh, it's all happening so fast", I groaned as I wiped the smile off of my face.

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