Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve


My fingers began to press down on each letter as ideas popped into my head.

The faster my ideas came, the faster I typed and at one point I was spitting out ideas so fast that I actually thought that I could meet the 8 o'clock deadline.

It was 3 to 8 and I was 50 words away and ideally I would need a minute to spare to properly email the file to my professor.

My fingers began typing at lightening speed and I could feel them become shakier and shakier as every scond passed by.

2 to 8; 30 words to go.

I began muttering to myself how I should never leave anything to do last minute.


My fingers began typing faster than ever, spitting out words that I didn't even know existed.

"I'm done!", I screamed in relief.

Quickly, I sent the file to my professor and once I clicked that send button, I couldn't have felt any better although I was exhausted.

"Don't tell me you've been up all night", Jenine came up from the side of my bed, nearly startling me.

"Okay. I won't", I said bluntly while putting my laptop screen down and pushing the computer onto the surface of my bed, rather than my lap.

"Why do you do this to yourself?", she asked me.

"Hey, you guys should be happy I even came", I yawned.

"So did you find out what the clue meant?", I added, with a raspy voice which singalled the amount of my fatigue.

"That's what I wanted tot alk to you about. In the clue he said that, 'This clue is only something that your heart can decode'. What place do you know of that has a heart and is in San Francisco?", she explained.

"Union Square", I said as a light bulb went off in my head.

"Exactly but there's not enough information to prove that it's that you see", she stated.

"But it's your best bet", she added.

I nodded my head up-and-down in agreement.

"Now, it's time for you to get ready. Bathroom's all yours", she winked.

"Right. 10:30.....", I groaned just wanting to sleep in all day.

"I'm sure if you text him to postpone it until later, he'll gladly do so", Jenine suggested.

"One tiny problem. I don't exactly have his number....", I replied.

"And besides I shouldn't be asking any more from him. Poor guy is going though all of this just for me. I'll just fight through it", I added.

"Go. I'll try to keep the other two asleep so you can get ready in peace", Jenine smiled.

I smiled back and let out a soft laugh.

I got off of my bed and walked into the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush, toothpaste and one of my summer dresses.

As soon as I made eye contact with myself in the mirror, I looked at myself in horror.

I looked so tired.

My hair looked like a bird's nest, my eye's had bags under them and I could feel a headache forming.

I brushed and then took a shower.

I slipped into my teal coloured lace dress which pinched at the waist and hung above my knees.

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