Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


"You guys all had your first kiss and know what it feels like. Don't go around telling me how it should feel because no two kisses are ever alike", I snapped at the 3 of them.

"You need to stop over-reacting Robin. All we're saying is that you should've felt something in that kiss. Something that made your body get sensational feeling", Natasha said calmly.

"Can we please stop talking about this?", I sighed.

"You know, since we're in San Fran, I think it's only fair if we visit a fancy resturant", Olivia trailed.

"I'm in if you guys are", Natasha said.

"Of course we are", Jenine exclaimed.

"I knew you guys were going to want to go. I meant if your wallets allowed it", Natasha clarified.

"I guess we'll never know until we get there", I shrugged and got up from the couch.

We laughed a bit at my remark and went to our beds to go grab our wallets and purses.

We google mapped some of the top resturants here and one that appeared on the top of the list was called, 'Gary Danko'.

We agreed to go there and found that it was only a short drive away.     

Once we got there, we were seated at a booth and given 4 menus.

"Do you think it's too late to walk out?", Jenine said looking at the outrageous prices of the food.

"I'm sure we can wash some dishes to pay off the 80% of the bill that we can't pay for", Olivia said looking stunned,

"I'm almost certain we won't be able to even pay for 20% of the bill...", I added to what Olivia had said.

"Well, I guess we have to work our charm", Natasha said closing her menu after deciding what she was going to eat.

The male waiter had came after 10 minutes and took our orders.

"Could I get the Pasta with Lamb Ragù, please", Natasha requested.

"That's an exellent choice", the waiter smiled at her and I could see that her cheeks were turning a rosey pink colour.

"Malted Custard French Toast for me", Jenine ordered.

"Another fabulous choice", he grinned.

"The Pork Rillette Hand Pies is probably the cheapest thing on this menu so I'll take that", Olivia laughed.

"That's definately the cheapest thing.. Next to the water that is", he laughed.

"And for you miss?", he smiled looking at me.

"A Lamb Salad would be good right about now", I smiled at him.

"Would you like that with a side of blonde man? Because that guy over there hasn't taken his eyes off of you ever since you got here", the waiter whispered to our table and secretly pointed to the direction off to the far left.

All of our eyes scanned the area to see which blonde man he was talking about.

It was Beau.

"Anyways, I'll be back with your orders in a bit. Minus blondy over there", he laughed as all four of us joined in.

"He's a pretty relaxed waiter for someone who works in a sophisticated atmosphere", I said as soon as he walked away because I knew what the first things out of these girls' mouths would be.

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