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billies p.o.v:

what i said was wrong, unplanned, and straight up dumb. i understand that, but what y/n said was completely unfair and hurtful. after the few months id been with her id shown her nothing but love. buying her shit, singing our song, sneaking into the house to see her. all to show her that id never ever hurt her like that and she just goes off telling me that id SUGGESTED we stop using a label so that i could fuck around with other bitches when it had really only been a desperate attempt on making sneaking around painless. it hurt me to only be able to call her my girlfriend when i was alone with her or finneas, and maybe if i didn't have to do that, maybe if i was just allowed to be in love with her with our only label being best friends that it would make me feel okay. im not even sure on how im supposed to respond to this. im not angry and i sure as hell don't want us screaming at each other again, especially her first night back with me. i just want this to go away, to evaporate.

[wherearetheavacados] tanamongeau: thanks for inviting me, you were amazing.

ofc :) sorry about the last bit.

tanamongeau: it's fine. what was all of that about? whos with who?

we are a thing but like management doesn't want me to say anything

speaking of which please don't say anything.

tanamongeau: aw :( well i hope you 2 figure everything out.

thank you. you welcome back to any of my shows.

just lemme know and I'll add you to the lists.

i decide its probably time to walk back to the hotel. the rain had only gotten worse since id watched y/n start her walk back. i feel bad for taking the hoodie back... she must have been cold.

when i get to the room i realize she took the only key i had brought. i knocked nervously on the door and within seconds the door swings open, y/n stands there her eyes puffy and red "i am so sorry" she says which sends her back into tears "i didn't mean it i- i was just mad."

i nod lightly pulling her into my arms, i didn't want to be so soft with her after what she said but in that moment i could only see my baby needed my love, so that's what i had to give her. "its okay, baby girl. its okay." i hold her in the hug, spinning us around and closing the door. i move us to the bed sitting her down. i kneel down to the floor looking up to her "do you really think that?" i ask

"i don't know what to think? i just don't understand why i can't even call you my girlfriend anymore. ill do anything you want just give me some reasoning." she clenches her eyes shut letting the tears stream down her cheeks.

"it was just so so hard to only be able to say that we were together when i was alone with you, or just in my room, ya know? i wanted to make this as painless as possible for not only you but myself too."

she grabs my hand squeezing it tightly "im sorry for being a bitch ass."

"its okay. sorry for being a dick." i say grabbing the hoodie out of my backpack and laying it next to her "and for letting you walk home in the cold." i laugh pulling myself up to kiss her. "remember what i promised at the show?"

"ooo hotel sex?" she smirks

"hotel sexxxxxx" i smile slowly raising myself up pushing her down into the bed "you still down?" i ask clenching the bottom of her shirt

"im down down" she grins helping me pull her shirt off 

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