her (billies p.o.v)

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when i flew back out to la y/n was gone. the other girls said she ran off with blue and ana. my stomach turned when they say ana the girl blue had told me about, he says that the girl would fuck anyone she could get her hands on, i hope she doesn't get y/n i hope blue doesn't let that happen.

i wonder where they went. maybe they were waiting in a small town i was going to, where tickets are cheap. it sucks she left with no note, no text, nothing. i really thought she loved me. i can't help but find myself thinking that that tweet was really her, i don't see why she wouldn't have just used my number, i left her that paper with my number on it the night i left

" I love you," i said pulling the paper with my number on it out of my pocket and placing it into her hand before running down the street. she closes the window quickly but quietly.

maybe she lost it? she wouldn't be so careless with something like that.. right?

"yo bil, you ready?" finneas pokes his head into my little room munching away on some chips

i nod "yeah."

"so i was thinking we start out with come out and play. that cool?"

"want me to break down immediately?" i laugh stealing a taki from him

"might as well, then you have the entire concert to calm down so you aren't a big mess at home."

"okay, fine sure." i agree this time taking the entire bag away from him

when we walk onto the stage the entire audience breaks out into cheers, i blush waving at them giving my regular starting speech

"looks like we are starting with 'come out and play'" a few awe the rest stay quite just as i've taught the majority of them to do shut up and let me sing, but i love you.

i start off and quickly want to cry, she really got me fucked up tonight. im so worried about that girl

I sing through the first minute well, i break down at the line you don't have to keep it quite because i shouldn't have to sing this without being upset. it felt as if the only person id truly loved was slipping out of my hands. i try to keep singing but my cries are stronger. i freeze up center stage clicking the mic back onto its stand "i cant" I state hiding my face away. into my sleeve clenching her necklace in my hand so hard that i can feel it nearly cutting into my skin. then i feel someone's arms wrap around my waist, i can only imagine it to be my mom. she shushes me as my fans start to cheer.

"you can do it" a familiar voice whispers in my ear their grip tightening around my waist as they kiss my neck. god, i really hope it's not my mom.

i turn around pulling away from whoever the fuck this is "holy shit" i gasp leaping into her arms, we fumble to the ground still hugging each other "y/n?" i ask

"hi baby girl." she smiles kissing me harshly, and now im happy again

after the show she waits for me in my room holding a huge ass bag of takis and a rose "hey lover." she smiles pulling me onto the couch

"w-what are you doing here?" i ask clenching her hand

"i drove out to see you."

"where the hell did you get a car?"

"blue." she smiles draping her legs over mine

"and ana?"

"that's what we need to talk about." she peeps looking down

"she kissed me." she starts "it didn't mean anything and i broke everything romantic off with her and made sure she knew that i don't want anything to do with her, romantically at least." she confesses "im so so so so sorry" she holds onto my other hand

i don't know what to say

"are you mad?"

"no." i frown "it wasn't your fault mamas. i did the same shit to you at danis it wouldn't be right for me to be mad at you, right?"

she nods "you have the right to be mad."

"im not," I say kissing her gently "i couldn't be mad at you, not after you drove all the way here."

"i love you." she says this time she kisses me "i love you so so so much," she says each word between kisses


hey luvvy we out back, whenever you're ready. -blue.

(second to last chapter yall)

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