she reached out first

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me and blue go to bed without saying goodnight. a rare occurance one that we are both okay with, no need to be over sensitive about a little argument. he really really doesnt want me to reach out to my mom but that would honestly be too hard for me to do anyway.  i dont know her name and i have to clue how to get a hold of my birth certificate trying would just lead me no where. 

when i wake up i take my phone out of the vent i hide it in seeing the obvious and well expected texts from eilish 

i miss you angel, tour would be so much better with you! 

goodnight x

but then i spot a Instagram notification 

dm request from lovedelilahs 

probably a billie fan, i open the dm 

y/n love, its your mother. 

my eyes widen as i quickly close out the app texting billie a screenshot. she replys quickly 

dont get your hopes up mamas, its probably fake. 

why the sudden interest in your mama?

just curious i guess,

can i be honest?


i dont think you should talk with her. she doesnt deserve you after the hell she made you go through.

i just want a family. my family. 

i get it y/n. just be careful dont let her break your heart again. 

i wont. i love you, text you tonight. 

i go back to the chat 

can we meet?

no i dont even know if  you are who you say you are 

you where born on (your birthday), your last name is (your last name) and i left you with a small necklace wirh your name on it. 

what do you want from me?

i want you back. 

after all the shit ive had to go through? 

listen i know that i dont deserve anything from you but if you would give me a chance to explain i think that would be wonderful. 

when and where?

where are you?


im in san fran. 


ill do what i can. when are you free

not any time soon... im kinda in a group home?

ill see you soon enough. 


i love you, y/n.

i love you

i type out but i dont send. 

(short and unedited sorry man)

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