mood disorder

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saturday mrs mayfield hands over my phone at exactly 12:30 pm. my snapchat blown up by billie with cute i love you's and i miss you's, and my instagram is drowning in new follow requests from billie fans. i only accept the accounts she follows, i wasn't ready for my life to be posted about by random people i didn't know.

"i have my phone for a bit."
delivered 12:31

a few minutes pass

read 12:34

"hey? i'm sorry are you busy?"

delivered 12:37

and again

read 12:38

"are you mad at me?"

delivered 12:38

"im not sure how long i can do this, y/n"

"what do you mean"

"i miss you so much, i want to be with you, and im trying to be strong for you and for us. i just feel so weird that i have to sneak around just to see you. just try and get better, i know it's not that easy but i just miss you so much."

"I will, I promise. Ill be out as soon as i can."

"im sorry you have to be in there. i love you"

"I love you more."

"im boutta get on my flight, tours start today heading to Portland wont have service. ill text you as soon as i land."

"be safe."

ana walks to the table where I sit "who you talkin to beautiful?" she says sliding into the chair next to me

"my girlfriend?" I say setting my phone down taking a drink of my water then setting it back down

"oh?" she smiles deviously as blue walks down the stairs

"yo" he smiles at me, i look behind me to greet him, by the time i turn back around my phone screen is black and drowning in a puddle of water

"oops" ana smiles

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