adam and steve! not adam and eve!

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(i made the cover page (; )

we pull up to the small bar, big showlights spell out adam and steve , rupaul songs pouring out of the door. thats how you know the place is a queer spot.

blue finds the man outside the building, we all relized that none of us even know his name. we dont ask him though, that'd be awkward. he was a tall seemingly gay man who wore a flannel blue jeans and big boots. he said yall a lot, but in more of a country way than a queer way.

"yall ready?" he asks

"of course!" blue smiles taking his hand and getting in line

when we reach the front and the man tells the bouncer "we all with the band,"

"i remeber you, yeah who these kids tho?"

"kids? sir no that ones my sister, shes 21 tonight, thats her boyfriend, and the other one thats my cousin, adopted cousin."


i cough looking to blue with big wide eyes

"nah im playin man, go in"

"thanks cuz" he snickers pulling blue in as we follow in

"what was that?" I ask

"my cousin is the bouncer"

"hm, fun." i laugh

"okay uh, blue dont get drunk, ana... uh do whatever?"

I leave the group carring baddie to the bar "get me a shot." she hisses

"dude, youre a fucking cat"

"and, youre fucking 17. what you doin in a gay bar when you have a bitch."

"fuck off, im already in deep shit with ana about the whole billie thing."

"deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep shit." she snickers "what you gonna do?"

"wait till ana kisses me?" i sigh walking to the bar "vodka for the cat please"

he slides a shot looking at me with a side eye. i asked for a shot.. for a cat. fuck maybe i really was losing it.

"so you really gonna let the bitch kiss you?"

"well im not gonna fucking let her blackmail me with the kiss with blue" i frown as she smirks downing the shot

"thats kinda low,"

"shes the own whos low man"

"i guess"

"what should i do?" i ask

"be honest with billie."

"and if i lose her?"

"well i mean you always have ana" she giggles

"im serious"

"well at least you were honest with her, at least you would be doing the right thing? and if she doesn't realize that, then you can go find someone better."

"i dont know."

(i'm editing a story i wrote at like 13-14 as a 18 year old.. i simply do not know if this chapter is save-able.. why is the cat talking?? why are y'all reading this ?? 😭😭 let's just say home girl has absolutely lost it and she's hallucinating the cat talking to her as a product of her overwhelming guilt and anxiety...)

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