Chapter Ninety-Seven

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Happy New Year to all! I hope everyone has the best time of their lives this year, get to travel, see new places, experience new things, fall in love (if you wish), get good grades, get clear skin, make healthy and fresh decisions and start a brand new page. Even if I know that I'm going to be the same ugly piece of shit I am, you, beautiful person, should have the best time of your life and smile every day! I love you all, thank you for 80k reads!


Part 2 to the stuttering Bill chapter


Richie ended his call with Stanley, fuming. He had slowly regained trust over Eddie and now, he had committed a crime and made for of Bill's stutter. The poor boy couldn't even control it. Fuming was an understatement. Spanking Eddie wasn't the only thing he wanted to do. He wanted to put him in isolation, but it was an off-limit punishment, meaning Richie couldn't do it whatever the reason.

So, to assuage himself before confronting Eddie, he decided to call his therapist who definitely had an eunoia, Mike. Picking up the phone once again, he dialed the number he had memorized, tapping his foot rhythmically and hoping Mike would pick up. Luckily, he did. 

"Richie, thank God you called. I'm about to lose my mind. William bullied Bill about his stutter, can you imagine it? The poor kid hadn't been speaking, but thankfully Stan pied some words out of him." Richie was shocked, "I know," he murmured. "What do you mean? Did Stan tell you?" "No, Eddie bullied him as well. I needed to assuage myself so I called you."

"What are you going to do to Eddie?" "Probably some spanking, although I wanna do much more." "Easy there, you never hit a little, let alone your boyfriend." "I WOULDN'T IMAGINE IT, HOLY SHIT, MIKE, THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!" "Shet." "I meant isolation." "That's what I'm going to do to Will since I don't spank him."

"Where is he right now?" "Playing, the unsuspecting little brat. He's got a big storm coming." "Be careful, isolation really does a toll on a little. I don't put Eddie in isolation because the first and last time I did, he almost broke his wrist trying to come out, poor little baby. It's an off-limit punishment, just like spanking if for you guys." "Will's okay with it. I'm going to do an hour, maybe two depending on how much he screams. But I'm going to be right outside if he safewords." "That's a good daddy." "K bro, gtg and punish my baby." "Lol same, bye."

After slamming the phone down again, Richie crept to Eddie's room. He knocked, bracing himself and calming his anger. "C-Come in," Eddie meeked. Richie opened the door, almost melting at the sight of Eddie all dressed up in a pink princess costume. "Wike it, dada?" Eddie asked, beaming up at him. "Yes, Eds. But there's something we need to talk about." 

Eddie looked at him fearfully. "Is there something you want to admit to me?" Eddie's bottom lip quivered as he looked down, "Y-Yes, sir. The other day, at Bill's house, he was in little space and so was Will and I. He stutters more in little space, and we couldn't grasp the idea of 'why', so we mocked him and made mimics as if we were him." Eddie had pulled himself out of little space, the idea haunting him to such an extent that he no longer felt innocent when recalling it.

"Anything you want to say?" "I'm sorry, daddy," Eddie whispered, looking down. Richie sighed, "You're going to call Bill and apologize for the way you acted after your punishment, alright?" Eddie nodded, "yes, sir." "Good boy, take off your dress and boxers and lay over my lap." Without a simple complaint, Eddie obliged, his body shaking as he sprawled across Richie's lap, naked. 

"You do know that I love you more than anything, right?" Richie asked, rubbing Eddie's ass soothingly. "Y-Yes, sir." "You also know that you can safeword anytime you feel like you can't continue and I will stop?" "I know, sir." "Good boy, I love you." 

He then mercilessly began spanking Eddie, the boy biting his lip to stop from crying out as tears pooled his eyes. He let out little whimpers, holding tightly onto Richie's thighs as his body jolted forward with each strike. After the twentieth spank, he felt himself start to cry. "You okay?" Richie asked softly, rubbing the red patched on his ass. "Yes, sir. P-Please continues." "Okay, baby." 

Richie was so proud of Eddie for taking his punishment. He stopped at thirty when he was satisfied with the glow of red on Eddie's ass. "You were amazing, Eddie bear. I'm so proud of you, you were so mature about it." He softly pulled Eddie on his lap, wiping his tears away gently, then pressing little, chaste kisses all over his face. 

Eddie giggled through his tears. "Lotion?" "Right on it, baby."

Meanwhile, Will was still in isolation. He was feeling cold but was too ashamed to ask for it. With shivering arms, he hugged himself as an attempt to warm himself up. Mike was getting a little worried at the lack of sniffles, so he opened the door. "Are you cold?" He asked softly, to which Will responded with an eager nod. "Oh, baby. Why didn't you say so? Want some water as well?" Will nodded once again, not trusting his shaky voice. 

Mike ran to get him a glass of water and a sweater along with a blanket and socks. He ran back, crouching in front of Will. "Arms up, baby," he said, helping Will put his sweater on. He then put his socks on for him and handed him the water, putting the blanket in front of him. Will gave him a sad smile with teary eyes, breaking Mike's heart. 

"Are you okay here, baby? No bad thoughts?" Will bit his lip, hanging his head low. He shook his head. "Don't lie to daddy, my love." "I-I'm a bad person," Will said finally, trying not to cry. Mike held his hands, "No, baby, you aren't. Do you want to talk about it?" Will nodded cuddling closer to his blanket. "I-I was in little space and-and it just happened. Eddie and I thought it was the funniest thing ever. I'm so ashamed..." 

Mike kissed his hands, "Does the dark scare you? No thoughts about Trevor?" Will nodded, "A-A little..." Mike frowned. "We need another punishment, baby. You're hurting yourself, and I can't let that happen. Plus, you'll get sick." Will smiled shyly, "T-Thank you, daddy." Mike smiled and picked Will up. 

"Daddy?" He asked while Mike took him to the bedroom. "Hm?" "No s-spanking, right?" "No, baby." "O-Oh. C-Cold shower?" "No, baby. That's dangerous, you can get very sick." Will smiled, tightening his grip and Mike. "How does timeout sound, little duck?" Will pouted, "gnhhrhorfejfıe," he said, Mike chuckling. "Timeout it is."

So Will sat in timeout for half an hour, pouting until Mike came. "You were very good, little duck,"  he said as he picked his boy up. "I love you, daddy." "I love you too, prince. Let's go " to Bill, hm?" Will nodded, smiling when Mike kissed him. 

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