Chapter Sixty-Six

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Requested by Annie_Maria12



"Uncwle Stan! Uncwle Stan!" Richie chanted, slamming his knife and fork onto the table as he sat on his chair, impatiently waiting for his tomato soup and dino nuggets. "Food!" Bill was upstairs, changing his shirt quickly since it got wet from Richie splashing him water when they were outside. 

Stan sighed, tolerating his best friend for some time. But enough was enough. He had seen the way Richie had Bill wrapped around his finger, not getting any consequences for his actions. If he had a little, he would've never let him get away with acting rude to himself and a guest. It was totally unacceptable.

"I want my food!" he yelled, on the verge of a tantrum. "Richie, you're acting very rude right now. I'm sorry to say that if you keep this attitude up, I'll have to go and fetch your daddy." Richie scoffed, crossing his arms. "I nu care. Oo old man!" "Richie, we're both the same age." "Nu! I Witch, oo Stan. Me pwettier than oo." "A little advice, darling, is to not talk to Stan that way," Bill said, shooting him a stern look when he walked in. 

"I nu do anything! Stanny be meanie poo poo!" Richie poked his lower lip out, making it quiver. "Stan, is that correct? Were you mean to Richie?" "No, he yelled at me, demanding for his food. Then he said some things I'd rather not say. I'm not a snitch." "Snitch! Liar! Me a good boy! Dada no believe." Richie gave him his signature puppy dog eyes, eyes watering. 

"Last chance before I punish you, Richie. Shape up." Richie pouted, eyes watering as he whimpered. "P-Pwease daddy no be mad...I-I sowwy." Richie knew Bill's soft spots for him. Bill softened, making Stan mentally slap him inside his mind. He should've been more stern. 

Bill went over and kissed Richie's soft cheek. "It's okay, baby. Daddy's not mad." Richie smirked at Stan, sticking his tongue out. 

Soon, Richie was served his food, blowing onto his soup as he asked Bill to feed it to him. Bill agreed to do it and was now feeding Richie his first bite. Richie thought it was too hot, so he accidentally spat it out, right onto Bill's face, the hot soup dripping down his nose. Bill froze, standing up. "You're going to regret that, little boy." He grabbed Richie's hand, pulling him close and dragging the thrashing boy upstairs. 

Stan was concerned, but he knew he couldn't interfere. He sat down, praying that Richie would be able to sit down after his punishment. Upstairs, Richie was pushed to the bed, the door locked so that he couldn't escape. Bill sat down, flipped Richie over swiftly and pulling his lower body onto his lap. "You're acting like a brat, Richard. I told you to shape up. That was unbelievable, what you did back there." "Da-Dadd-" "Shut up."

Richie let his tears fall as Bill harshly dragged down his shorts, ripping Richie's boxers off. "Safeword is r-red." Without mercy, Bill began slamming his hand down onto Richie's bubble butt, the small boy softly sobbing, his mouth still burning. He was counting in his head of how many spanks it had been, and once it got to twenty, his breathing became shallow, Richie finding it hard to breathe from crying so much. 

Bill wasn't letting off any signs of stopping, and his safeword itched at the back of Richie's throat. Hurts so much, he thought. But he didn't say it, because he thought he deserved it. Plus, he didn't want to disappoint his daddy. Bill finally stopped at thirty, Richie's ass a mixture of red and purple. He was crying nonstop, back shaking and legs trembling. 

Bill gently lifted him up, his heart breaking when he saw the endless waterfall of tears running down his baby's cheeks. "Shh, baby. Daddy's done now." "N-No m-more?" Richie's voice cracked, his eyes shut tightly. "No more, sweetheart. C'mon no more crying. No more tears from those precious eyes." 

Richie tried to stop crying. He really did. But he broke down, whole body trembling as he gripped Bill's stained shirt tightly. "I-I'm so-sorry I-I was a ba-bad boy! P-Please don't hurt m-me l-like that ag-again!"

Bill's blood ran cold. "Wh-What do you mean, baby? You had your safeword if it got too much." Richie shook his head. "Wan-Wanted to be strong f-for you. You would've been d-disappointed." Bill kissed his cheeks several times. "Never, baby. I would never be disappointed because you safeworded. I'm truly heartbroken you didn't tell me. I hurt you more than disciplined..." "M'sorry daddy." 

"It's okay, baby boy. But next time, promise me that you'll tell me." Richie nodded, sticking out his pinky. "Pwomise." The two hooked fingers, Bill giving him a soft kiss before he started preparing the aftercare kit. 

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