Chapter Thirty Five

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"Baby boy? Can you come here for second?" Richie yelled, looking at the pieces of empty candy wrappers on the floor. Will padded over to the kitchen, sucking on his elephant paci. "D-Dada?" He questioned innocently. "I couldn't help but notice these empty candy wrappers, baby." Will eyed them, gulping. "U-Um, I dunno who ate em. Must've been Lills." Lills was Will's favorite stuffie, a little blue bunny.

Richie raised an eyebrow. "Is that so, little boy?" Will looked up at him, nodding. "Then I think Lills deserves a spanking, hm?" Will gasped, hugging Lills close to his chest. "N-No! Daddy, no huwt Lills! Willy ate the candy not her!" Richie tutted, smirking. "I guessed correct then." Will pouted, making puppy dog eyes up at Richie. He knew that the older boy couldn't resist the cuteness. "W-Willy sowwy daddy..." he whispered, slowly walking over to hug his leg.

Richie tried not to give in. But he melted when Will whimpered, nuzzling into his leg. "D-Daddy no mad at Willy, p-pwease." Richie picked Will up, resting him on his hip and kissing his face all over. "I can't with you, uh! Too cute, too sweet!" Will giggled, "Really?" Richie nodded, kissing the side of his face, "really, baby." Out of nowhere, Richie landed a firm smack on Will's ass. Will jumped, "w-what was that for?" He pouted. "That's for eating candy without permission and lying. Be thankful that you aren't over my knee. God blessed you with fucking adorableness and you're goddamn adorable so I can't spank you, uh mY lIfE iS sO haRd."

Will giggled, "funny, daddy." He then nuzzled into Richie's chest. "I love you, daddy." The tall boy awed at his small boyfriend, caressing his hair. "I love you too, sweetie." He thought for a while, "what do you want to do today?" Will thought for a while, "Stuffies?" Richie thought about it. "I don't know..." he said, twirling a piece of Will's hair. "You did eat candy without permission. And on top of that, you lied." Will whimpered shamefully, looking down. "S-Sorry daddy. Y-You're right, I don't deserve new stuffies. S-Sowwy for being bad."

Richie's heart strings were pulled and he instantly said, "WOOP NO. Go change your outfit, we're going to get some stuffies." Will gasped, squealing happily. "REALLY?!" Richie nodded, so happy to see his baby boy so excited. "Yes, baby. I just love you too much to say no, uH." Will kissed him quickly before hopping out of his arms, skipping to his and Richie's bedroom. Richie smiled as he watched Will run. "Careful, baby! You might slip!" "Okay, daddy!"

And in just a few minutes, Will and Richie were at the car, driving to the nearest toy shop. Will hummed a melodic tune, feeling really happy. Richie loved it when Will was happy. When he was happy, Richie was also happy. "Happy, baby?" Will grinned and nodded, "yes, daddy! Thank you for taking me!" Richie awed at him, trying to focus on the road but Will's adorableness was getting too much for him.

"You're so cute. I'm going to eat you all up." Will squealed when Richie took his finger and bit it gently. "Grrrr, I came to eat youuu~" Will giggled hysterically, "no daddy no! Don't eat me!" Richie let go of his finger, kissing it before focusing on the road.

In a few minutes, Richie had parked the car, holding Will's hand securely so he wouldn't get lost. The two walked inside the store, Will's eyes lighting up. "Woooah!" He said, looking around in awe. So many plush toys were put on display, the place being heaven to kids and littles. Will padded over to the teddy bear section, touching different ones to test their softness. Richie smiled, just watching Will. He was whIpPed but whAtEvEr.

Richie lost his concentration and before he knew it, Will was tugging at his shirt. Richie looked down to see Will, 5 stuffies in his hand, a big goofy smile displayed on his face. "Dada, buy?" Richie gulped. The five stuffies were a pink kitten, a green turtle, two blue bunnies and a yellow bee. Richie crouched down slightly. "Baby boy, you know we can't buy all of these. They're too much. Maybe next time I'll buy two of them as a reward but this time you didn't do anything to deserve all of them. I'm sorry."

Will's smile dropped. His heart was broken because he genuinely thought that he had a connection with all of the stuffies. His bottom lip started trembling, indicating that a tantrum was coming. Richie gave him one stern look and he stopped instantly, looking down at his feet sadly. "Put them back. We're getting one, two if you're good for the rest of the day." Will nodded sadly, "o-okay daddy..." Richie's heart broke as he watched Will put the stuffies back, hugging all of them as a way of saying goodbye. He then tried to decide which one to get. He looked at each stuffie's face.

Richie was itching to just buy Will the entire store but he would probably go broke. Will looked at Richie with a heartbreaking look at Richie broke. "Baby, did you chose?" Will pouted and shook his head, "they're all so pwetty daddy. I no wanna leave them." Richie inhaled sharply. He calmly walked over to the stuffie section and grabbed all of the ones Will wanted, turned on his heels like James Charles at that fashion show but doing a better job, and took them to the cashier.

Will was sHooK. He quickly followed Richie and tried to stop him but he had alreddie paid. "Oh my god! Daddy you didn't have to!" Will was overjoyed but he felt bad. He didn't deserve the stuffies. Richie smiled and kissed his cheek, holding his hand again while holding the bag in the other. "I just can't resist. I love you too much, uH my lIfe iS sO hArd." Will giggled, kissing Richie quickly. "Thank you, dada! I love you!"

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