Chapter Thirty Six

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Who wants to see Neko Eddie next chapter? Also, should I do that multiple choice thing I gave you gays? So you can choose what you want?

Saying that Mike was stressed would've been a total understatement. Mike was a big ball of anxiety at the moment. The chances of his job going to shit was really high. On the other hand, Will had been a really big pain in the butt lately. Mike didn't have time to give him attention. His ass was stuck to the chair in his office as he typed all day, his eyes glued to the screen.

While poor Will had to entertain himself, Mike was getting angry with all of his workers and business partners. Everything seemed to be going downhill for him. Currently, he was sighing in frustration and anger. His partner never did any work yet demanded a pay raise. Other problems were happening too. For a nineteen year old, almost twenty, the stress was too much.

Meanwhile, Will was in his room, sighing loudly. He thought that maybe if he sighed deep enough all of his boredom would go away. Unfortunately, that never happened. He knew it was hard for Mike. That's why he bothered him as less as possible. But he was getting hungry.

He hopped off the bed, grabbing TroTro his stuffed unicorn, and padded over to the kitchen. He decided that he wanted Mac and Cheese, yet he didn't know how to cook that. Will nervously bit his lip. He wasn't sure whether to go to Mike for help or not. He decided to do it.

He walked over to Mike's office and knocked on the door shyly. A firm, "what?" Came through the door. Will opened the door, peeking his head in. Mike's eyes were red and he looked really stressed. Oh, Mike was reddie to cry from all the stress piling up. "U-Uh daddy, I need help." Mike sighed, "with what?" Will's eyes glimmered, "mac and cheese!" Mike shook his head, rubbing his forehead. "Make it yourself. Search it up, I don't have time for this." Will whined, making Mike send him a harsh look. "Stop it." Will stopped instantly and nodded, shutting the door behind him as he made his way over to the kitchen.

"Also, get me a bottle of whine, would you?" He heard Mike yell behind him. Will frowned. He hated it when Mike drank. It reminded him of Lonnie. He shook his head, almost as a way of saying no. He wasn't going to bring him a bottle. Will walked to the kitchen, trying to reach the top shelf. His 4'6 frame was no competition for the top shelf.

Will pouted. He needed to get to the shelf one way or another. He quickly pulled a chair towards the shelf and balanced himself on top of it, getting the macaroni. He giggled as he jumped off the chair. He was determined to make himself the best macaroni and cheese ever.

Meanwhile, Mike was getting impatient. He remembered telling Will to get him a bottle of wine. Did the boy do it? No. That pissed him off. With an angry sigh, he shoved the papers off his desk as he stormed to the kitchen. "Will!" He yelled, causing Will to scream and drop the plate in his hand. The plate shattered, silence erupting the room as Will stared at it. "For fucks sake!" Mike yelled, his screams echoing through the house. Will flinched, "s-sorry daddy. Y-You scared me." "I'll give you something to be scared about. And where the fuck is my bottle?!"

Tears instantly rushed to Will's eyes. He hated being yelled at. He hated Mike being stressed and angry. "I-I didn't give it to you b-because I do-don't like it when you drink." Mike pushed Will aside as he stormed to the wine cabinet. He grabbed this red wine and poured himself a glass as Will watched with glossy eyes. "Clean this shit up, Will." Will nodded, running to get a broom. Maybe if he pleased Mike he would be nice again. He began to clean up the broken glass shards, making an even bigger mess as he randomly swished bished with the broom.

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