Chapter Ninety-Three

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"You can quit the attitude whenever you want, Eddie," Richie said, slowly driving towards the street they lived in. Eddie huffed and deepened his pout. He had been acting like this ever since he woke up; moody and unpleasant.

Richie didn't want to deal with his brattiness at the moment, not then, not ever. But alas, he had to because he loved his little boy even when he was acting like a stuck-up brat.

Richie was just trying to keep calm and not blow up in rage. He knew better than to yell at Eddie, especially when he was mad.

Eddie looked out the window, glaring at the leaves that swung back and forth with the leaves. He hated them that day.

He also hated the colorful, pretty flowers. They appeared to be disgusting and foul that day in particular.

To be honest, he didn't know why he was acting so moody either. He was just sad maybe, upset because he wanted attention from Richie.

But all day, he had played with Rosie, his friend's, Jenna's, little. He had complimented HER and NOT him.

In Eddie's book, he was the only one Richie was allowed to compliment. He deserved it for being such a good boy, always listening to his daddy, and never, EVER being a brat towards him.

The mere word seemed foreign to Eddie. He was an angel.

"Dada!" Eddie whined, bouncing in his seat as he tried to grab Richie's hair. "OW! Eddie!" Richie cried, pushing Eddie's hands off him.
If you continue acting this way, then I'll have to punish you when we get home."

Eddie gasped. "NOH! I'm a good boy!" "Are you sure about that, peach? You've been awful today." Richie smiled, keeping his eyes on the drop but also running his fingers through Eddie's curls.

"Yes, daddy. I'm sure!" "Then think again, precious."

Eddie pouted again, "I no wike oo! No mow sexy time fow oo!" Richie raised an eyebrow before chuckling, shaking his head.
I get to decide that, little one. And we all know that you love me, baby, don't deny it. Lying is for bad boys only."

"I'm not wying! Me fink you is a poo!" "That's a lovely poem, baby. Why don't you write it down so we can hang it on the fridge?"

Richie wasn't fazed by Eddie's cruel comments. He loved to laugh them off and fuel Eddie's anger even more. Provoking Eddie had always been fun.

Eddie's lower lip wobbled. "S-Stop making fun of me!" He wailed, sniffling as he rubbed his eyes with his tiny fists. "Oh, baby," Richie said, dragging his words out.

"My poor little boy, did I hurt your feelings?" "I don't have feewings. I'm the ice pwince!"

"Then what do you feel for me?" "I wuv you, daddy! Oo is vewy handsome and pwetty and me loves you!" Eddie grinned, trying to nuzzle into Richie, who was grinning but driving the car.

"My pretty boy's so cute!"

"Of kows I'm coot. I'm da cootest baby eva! Daddy but me wuv you so much!"

"I love you too, prince."

Requests? I'm running outta ideas :(

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