Chapter Fifty Seven

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In which Mike leaves for a business trip for a month and Will has to stay with Richie and Eddie. Richie neglecting Eddie.
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Will clapped his hands, squealing when he was presented with a huge, pink frosted cupcake that was topped off with sprinkles. Richie smiled in response, ruffling his hair. Will was sitting on Eddie's seat, his high chair while Eddie was in a regular seat.

Will babbled cutely, asking Richie to feed him his cupcake. Eddie eyed them, his heart hurting. It had been about three weeks since Will had arrived. At first, it was amazing. The two littles played together, but now, it seemed as if Will was constantly getting every drop of attention Richie was willing to give.

He even gave him Eddie's toys, leaving Eddie with the old ones that were broken, scratched, torn off. Richie paid little attention to him, not even making him a cupcake. His excuse was that Will was a guest and he needed to be comfortable. He also had forgotten to make one.

Eddie stood up with his broken, abused, shattered, aching heart managing to still beat after all it's torment, walking out of the room. Richie didn't even notice as he fed his brother's boyfriend his cupcake.

- - -

Will was bored. With his broken toys that he purposely broke, his toys as in Eddie's, he was bored. He decided to pull a prank on Richie, a huge, evil grin overtaking his small and precious features. He tiptoed out of Eddie's playroom and into Richie's office.

He rummaged through the document and files in his office, then found the newly written paper he had to turn in in a week. Richie had decided to just get it done, having time to relax. Will grinned as he deleted it, then grabbed Richie's phone and ran to Eddie's room, putting it under his pillow.

He snickered as he went to the living room to play with Richie.

- - -
That night, Richie couldn't find his phone. He had searched everywhere and decided to ring it after he made put Eddie's and Will's sheets in the washing machine.

As he took the covers off Eddie's pillow, he noticed his lost phone under it. He sure was disappointed, Eddie would be getting a timeout. After he put the sheets in the machine, he decided to email his boss the finished paper, hoping to get a raise for the job being completed early.

He typed his password in, the password only he and Eddie knew, Will secretly having seen the password and used it to his benefit. Instantly, the empty, deleted document popped up, making Richie's jaw dropped.

He closed the tab and reopened it. Gone. He thought about what had happened. Then it hit him. Only Eddie knew his password other than himself.

With fuming eyes, Richie stormed to the living room where Eddie was watching Will play with his new toys. "Edward..." He said menacingly slow. Eddie looked up at him with his doe eyes. He straightened himself up. He wanted to be good so his daddy would love him again.

"Care to explain why my entire paper is deleted and what my phone was doing under your pillow?" Eddie was shocked. "D-Daddy, I didn't do anything." "Do you honestly think I'm stupid, Edward? You're the only one who knows the password. You're a liar!"

Eddie's eyes filled with tears. "N-No, daddy I-" "Go to your room, you're getting a spanking." "B-But-" "Go!" Richie ignored Eddie's tears. "I-I didn't lis! This i-is unfair!" Richie grabbed Eddie by the ear, not being to harsh but enough to get his point across.

"Do you want me to send you back to the auction?"

Eddie froze. He couldn't go back. He couldn't! He didn't even do anything wrong! Eddie shook his head quickly. "Good. Now go and strip. Lay out the belt."

- - -
It had been two days since Eddie's punishment. He still couldn't sit down. He didn't know when the last time he cried so much was. Currently, he was in the kitchen, Will taking a nap. There was only two more days of Will, and then Mike was coming back.

Richie suddenly walked in, smiling when he saw his baby. "Daddy?" Eddie looked up at him with big, wide eyes. "Hi, baby duckie." "Okay." Richie smiled, "okay to what, precious." "To go..." Eddie, holding in his tears, looked down.

It was for the best, Eddie thought. He thought that Richie loved Will more than him. Richie was confused at first, but then remembered what he had said. "O-Oh, baby. I wasn't serious about that. This is your home now."

"I didn't delete it. I also didn't put your phone under my pillow, Richie. But if you're not going to believe me, maybe you'll question Will, at least." Eddie now had tears running down his face as he looked up at Richie. "B-But, baby, only you know the password. W-Will doesn't." "Maybe he saw. It's an easy password."

Eddie wiped at his eyes. "Am-Am I boring you? Have you f-fallen out of love with me?" Richie's eyes widened, jaw dropping. "What!? N-No, baby! I love you so much! So so much." "I-If you did y-you wouldn't have neglected me and paid attention to Will and only Will."

Richie's heart raced in realization. Eddie shook his head, "w-wanna g-go back, dada. Oo no want baby, baby go back." Eddie was stuck between his head-spaces. "No, baby. C'mere, come to daddy." Eddie looked at him timidly. "Be a good boy and come here. Don't you want to be a good boy, prince?" Richie cooed, keeping his voice soft.

Eddie waddled over to him, his eyes wide. Richie sat him on his lap, rubbing his cheek. "Baby, daddy was a very bad boy when he said those horrible things to you. Daddy has been a bad bad boy, he deserves punishment." Eddie giggled, "daddy a poopie head! Meanie b-butt! He a booger monster! Whale p-penis! U-Um a stinky foot. Poopstickle!" Richie nodded, agreeing.

"Yes, darling." He hesitantly kissed Eddie softly, trying not to scare him. "Daddy is very very sorry. Do you think he needs more punishment." "Ye! Spankwing!" Richie sighed. The things he did for this boy...

"Only three, okay?" "Otay!" Richie bent over, smiling as he felt Eddie's small hands attempt to smack his ass. It felt more like taps to him. When the three were done, Eddie hugged his butt. "Dada, oo butt wevy nice! Squish squish!" Richie picked him up, puckering his lips. "Daddy needs aftercare...Can you give him some kisses from those sweet lips?"

Eddie kissed his cheek, giving him a kiss. "Daddy would never send you back. He loves you, hm? Very much. You're the love of his life. I'm very sorry for neglecting you, baby. I was scared that Will was going to get hurt. I was constantly panicking because one, he's my best friend, and two, Mike would kill me if something happened to him

"It, otay! Eddie wuvs oo! Nu do 'gain." Richie kissed his all over his face, "I love you, I love you, i love you."

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