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          Before she knew it, Agent Banks was dancing around his office in extreme glee. He couldn't believe it. Treyvon "Crook" King would soon be putty in his hands, or shall he say Epiphany's, and he would soon be promoted.

Epiphany had a nervous smile on her face as she watched him. She felt a bit of worry deep inside her but all she could think about at the end of the day was her family.

"I love you Epiphany! You know that right?"

"I love you too..." Epiphany chuckled nervously, not really meaning it. Agent Banks just shook his head in utter disbelief and joy. It was like everything he had planned was all falling in place. He would thank God, but he was an atheist.

"You know what," He said, fumbling in his pockets for his wallet, "I was gonna wait until the end of the week to pay you, but you deserve it now-- plus some more."

Epiphany watched him as he handed her $250. She smiled at him before thanking him. Epiphany and he shared a few more words before she decided to make her way home. Later that night, she decided to invite over Aaliyah and Shay for a slumber party even though it was Tuesday, and they would have school in the morning, the next day.

Shay didn't want to come because she didn't feel like pretending to like Aaliyah. Epiphany frowned upon Shay for her petty reason and thought that it would be better, less drama and less slick comments if Shay didn't come anyway.

"Sooooo," Aaliyah dragged out, smiling as she looked at Epiphany eating her pizza.

Epiphany decided to buy Dominos and soda for dinner. She didn't feel like cooking. Leroy and Epiphany barely ate take out and she figured why not, since Agent Banks paid a little more than regularly.

"What?" Epiphany looked at her friend as she raised her eyebrows.

"Are you gonna tell me who gave you that thousand dollars?"

Epiphany rolled her eyes as she watched Aaliyah grin. Aaliyah kept bothering her about it ever since it happened five days ago. "Why do you assume that a boy gave it to me? For all you know, it could be Ty Ty who gave it to me.

"I know it wasn't Tykem 'cause you wouldn't have taken it from him." Aaliyah said in a playful, know-it-all tone.

Epiphany couldn't help the smile forcing it's way on her face, "I told you I found it! Why don't you believe me?"

"What are the odds of you findin' a thousand dollars in a project building hallway? E, why you lying to me? I thought I was your girl!" Aaliyah dramatically put her hand up to her forehead acting like she was about to faint.

Epiphany felt conflicted. She never told anybody about her snitching missions, and she damn sure didn't wanna tell Aaliyah about Crook no matter how close they were. She didn't want to seem like a man stealer to her or a snitch at all. She just wanted to be seen as regular old ghetto girl, Epiphany.

"Whatever, Aaliyah." Epiphany laughed, hoping that her saying that would shrug off the situation.

"Lemme see your phone," Aaliyah said, reaching her hand out. Epiphany furrowed her eyebrows. She was hardly on that shit unless Agent Banks called her. She was embarrassed of her LG Journey because she knew the only ones flossing those were senior citizens. Epiphany got up and went over to it on the nightstand, pulled it out of the charger and tossed it to Aaliyah who missed. The already damaged phone crashed onward to the floor, making a loud thud.

"Damn Aaliyah!"

"Sorry, E, you can use my phone whenever you want." Aaliyah apologized as she picked it up.

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