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One week later...

         Epiphany was on edge the entire week. She couldn't ask Crook any questions about the plan because he didn't like to speak on the phone. She understood that it was because he didn't want any incriminating evidence to be traced back to them, so Epiphany kept shut. The only thing she was told was to call Agent Banks from a burner phone and meet up with him. The fear of not knowing what to expect was eating her alive. As Epiphany sat in her classes for the week, she tried her hardest to pay attention, but couldn't. Ty Ty noticed her unusual behavior and asked about it, but as always Epiphany lied.

Still reeling from her traumatic summer, the cool breeze of autumn was a sign of new hope for Epiphany. She prayed the season would bring her a sense of solace. However, on the drive back to New York City, Epiphany fiddled with her fingers the entire way. Overwhelmed was an understatement. A part of Epiphany felt horrible for not telling Crook the full truth, but she knew she was in way too deep. There was no way she could back down now.

Another part of her was nervous about fucking up the plan. Her task was simple: Call Agent Banks from a pre-paid phone, meet up with him, and the rest would be taken care of. However, Epiphany knew that there was no room for error. Any small slip up and the light of day would never be seen again.

Although Epiphany tried to convince herself that Agent Banks deserved what was coming to him, guilt still lingered inside. Epiphany felt like Judas from the Bible. The man who had kept her afloat for three years was about to meet his demise and it was all because of her. However, the guilt vanished once Leroy popped into her mind. Whether it was morally right or wrong, Epiphany was doing this to protect Leroy's future. She was also doing it to make sure her relationship with Crook was unscathed.

Epiphany deeply exhaled once her Lyft pulled up in front of the prison. She quickly thanked the man before she exited the black SUV. With a thick brown sweatsuit on to combat the October breeze, Epiphany entered the facility. Her hands shook as she wrote down her name on the sign-in sheet. Her visit wasn't planned, but Epiphany hoped that Aaliyah would want to see her.

After passing through the metal detectors, Epiphany was hauled to the dull visitation room. Nostalgia hit her like a ton of bricks as soon as she sat on the steel chair. Flashbacks of her and Rome visiting Aaliyah during summer replayed in her mind. The ten-minute wait for Aaliyah's arrival felt like an hour.

Ghosting Aaliyah played a role in Epiphany's uneasiness. She prayed that Aaliyah wasn't holding a grudge against her. Epiphany watched as a correctional officer finally brought Aaliyah out into the room. The confused look on her face turned to shock once her and Epiphany's eyes met.

Epiphany quickly took in her appearance with a small smile. Out of her normal bun, Aaliyah allowed her 4C hair to roam. Her afro was bigger and seemed healthy. Despite being in a jail cell, Aaliyah's skin seemed to glow.

As if in a trance, the two girls stared at each other not knowing what to do or say next. Slowly, Aaliyah's eyes traveled downwards and immediately Epiphany felt ashamed. Suddenly her sweatsuit felt tight, and Epiphany's flesh felt like it was on fire in her coat. Her eye contact broke as she self-consciously pulled at the rim of her hoodie.

"Oh my...Epiphany...are you?" Aaliyah whispered once the guard took off her handcuffs. When Aaliyah didn't see Rome in a stroller right beside Epiphany, she knew that the surprise visit had to be serious. As Aaliyah walked towards her, Epiphany's vision became distorted with tears. Before Epiphany knew it, she was crying in the arms of her once best friend.

The faint smell of cocoa butter filled Epiphany's nostrils as Aaliyah embraced her. On both ends, the hug was needed. Although Epiphany ghosted her, Aaliyah didn't love her any less. When she recited her nightly prayers, she used a couple minutes for Epiphany. Aaliyah prayed for her wellbeing and strength. She prayed for Epiphany's healing from her tragic rape since that was the last time she saw her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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