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         Leroy's head was in his arms. He couldn't help but think about his future. Getting him and Epiphany out of the hood. Becoming rich. His dreams of playing basketball--- all of it would come to an end if he was caught. Another tear fell out of his eyes. He wasn't a killer; he didn't mean to kill Damani. Even if Travante did handle the situation like he said he would, that still wouldn't rid Leroy of his guilty conscious. He heard the locks unlatching and he knew right off the bat, that it was his sister.

"Leroy!" He heard her call out. He tried to wipe away his tears as she came into the living room, but she still noticed that there was something wrong with him.

"Aww, Leroy are you cryin'? What's wrong?" Epiphany asked, sounding concerned. She hadn't seen Leroy cry about their father dying, so she figured this was him letting it all out.

"Nothing." He said dismissively. There was no way in hell, he was gonna tell Epiphany he had murdered somebody. There was no way. He didn't even know how she would react, and he wanted to keep it a secret. Just like him selling drugs. Besides he noticed how her attitude had changed since their father's passing.

She was much more vibrant and happier than she used to be. She wasn't necessarily her old self, but she was slowly coming back to it. And he didn't want his sister to have anything else on her mind bothering her.

Epiphany furrowed her eyebrows, "Are you sure?"

Leroy just nodded not wanting to speak anymore. He knew he would never be the same again. Epiphany decided to just leave him alone. "Well, okay... I'll be in the room if you wanna talk." Epiphany offered, before she walked out of the living room.

She took a hot shower, changed into her pajamas and got inside her bed. She couldn't even sleep, she was still giddy from the moment she had shared with Crook. "Nah don't be. I liked it," she could hear Crook's voice in her mind, repeating that sentence over and over.

The butterflies she had earlier, arose once again in her stomach as she relived their moment. She couldn't believe he could make her orgasm with that just his fingers. She knew that Shay and Diamond was going crazy over this man for a reason. She knew his dick had to be lethal and she couldn't lie, she wanted to see what the hype was about.

Was my moan cute? What if we went further? I never thought of losing my virginity in a car before... Thoughts filled Epiphany's mind as she smiled to herself. Epiphany would sleep good tonight as she dreamed about Crook.


Aaliyah's chest heaved up and down as she tried to regain her composure. Her tears smeared the black eyeliner she had heavily applied on her waterline. She was so tired of being mistreated by Darren. She put up with the verbal and physical abuse but after going through his phone and finding out that he had an affair with Shay, it was her last straw.

She couldn't believe that he was willing to stoop as low to fuck one of her "friends." She also couldn't believe that Shay would betray her in that manner but then again it was her fault for thinking that she was even her friend to begin with.

Aaliyah tried to conceal her cries from coming out, but she couldn't. She was heartbroken and her being pregnant, just added on more to her emotions. She wanted to fight. She wanted to scream. She just wanted to get away. As the days passed by, she knew she couldn't wait until it was time to leave Darren. She couldn't wait.

"Baby!" Aaliyah heard Darren calling her. He must've just gotten back from work. "I got you a surprise!"

Aaliyah just sat numbly on the bathroom floor. She heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom. The doorknob turned but the door didn't open due to Aaliyah locking it. A knock on the door followed quickly afterwards.

"Baby you in here? What's wrong?" One of the many sides of Darren, said.

Aaliyah pondered if she should blow his cover or just act like she didn't know anything. She decided to go with the oblivious route. "Nothing, I'm comin' out." She responded, hastily, getting up from the floor.

Aaliyah hurried and cleaned the black liner from under her eyes before exiting the bathroom. Darren greeted her with a kiss and immediately noticed that she didn't kiss back. He figured she was just going through one of her mood swings, so he just left it alone.

He led her to the living room where there was bags and bags full of designer things. Chanel, Fendi, Gucci-- you name it, Darren had purchased it just for Aaliyah. Aaliyah blankly stared at the bags for a long time. He really thinks he can buy me... She remembered when he first bought her designer shit, and she was so happy. But now she felt empty as she looked at the bags. She wasn't happy or grateful. She didn't feel nothing.

"Thank you," She feigned a smile. "I can't believe you did this for me..."

"Of course baby, you know I love you right?"

Aaliyah just nodded. It seemed like the tears she was holding back tried its hardest to not fall out her eyes.

She walked over to the couch next to where all the bags were. She started to go through them, and she saw that he had also bought the baby designer clothes too.

"We've been together for some time now... and you're having my child." Aaliyah heard Darren spoke from behind her. "You deserve more than to be my girlfriend, you deserve to be my wife."

Aaliyah's mouth dropped open as she stood up from the couch. Darren couldn't see her reaction since he was behind her, but he knew her body had tensed up. Aaliyah turned around and she saw Darren kneeled on one knee. A huge 4 carat white gold engagement ring stared her down.

"Will you marry me?"

Aaliyah was stuck. She didn't know what to say. She looked deep down inside Darren's eyes and saw that he was sincere. "...Please?" He begged, "I know I hit you and stuff, but that's only when I'm drunk, Aaliyah. I promise imma stop drinking. I just want the best for you and Rome." He only said her name when he was serious.

Aaliyah's eyes watered. It was because she felt bad for him but also because she was afraid of what he might do next. "I'm sorry Darren... but I can't marry you. I just won't."

The room went quiet. The silence was intimidating Aaliyah. Darren finally closed the small box the engagement ring was in and got up off his knee. He started making his way towards Aaliyah.
She backed up, scared, putting her hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry, d-don't hit me."

When Darren got in front of her, Aaliyah flinched, preparing herself for a slap or a punch, but she was surprised when instead Darren kissed her lightly on her forehead. She felt the weight of the world being lifted off her shoulders when she heard his footsteps exiting the room then the sound of the front door being closed after him.


Epiphany sat in her English class, annoyed, and irritated. The room didn't have any air conditioning which added on to her agitated mood. It was getting much hotter in New York. Summer was right around the corner. Epiphany couldn't wait to finally be out of school like everybody else.

The thought of Crook entered her mind for a split second. Him being on her mind was much more frequent these days. Epiphany would tell herself that she didn't like him, but it was a lie. She would lie to herself to feel less guilty.

The bell ringed and Epiphany couldn't be more than happy. She quickly packed her books into her book bag before rushing out of class. She had lunch right now, but she was going to go home since she felt the classes right after were unnecessary. Not to mention, she was also tired. As she was close to the staircase, she heard somebody calling her name. Epiphany turned around quickly and saw the guidance counselor, Mrs. Wilkes.

"Epiphany have you thought about it yet?"

She was talking about some Big Brother, Big Sister program that their school had. Everybody in the school had to participate in it at least once in their four years attending the school and Epiphany had yet to. "No," she replied, wanting to hurry and leave.

"Epiphany please? I think you would like it and we have a freshman that doesn't have a partner yet."

Epiphany was getting annoyed, she just wanted to go home. "Okay miss, who's the person?"

Mrs. Wilkes smiled in happiness. "Follow me dear."

Epiphany mentally rolled her eyes as she followed the lady to her office. When she got there, she saw a girl playing with her necklace while she stood up, uncomfortably. "Epiphany this is Taleah, and Taleah this is Epiphany." Mrs. Wilkes smiled as she introduced the two.

Epiphany looked at the girl in front of her. She looked to be around 5'6 or 5'7 and she was very pretty. Her skin was a rich brown color and she had very noticeable freckles on her face. She hardly looked like a freshman even though she looked innocent. Epiphany furrowed her eyebrows as she tried not to stare at the girl. She looked mad familiar.

It then clicked in her that this was the girl that had gotten her wig snatched by Shay. Epiphany instantly felt bad that she didn't say anything that day. She noticed that the girl seemed to be getting intimidated by her stare, so she decided to say something.

Epiphany genuinely smiled as she spoke, "Hi!"

"Hey," Taleah returned her smile, but she only held it for so long before she broke her gaze to look back down at the floor. Epiphany could tell the girl was shy.

"This will be your big sister for the program, Taleah and this will be your little sister for the program, Epiphany. I hope you two make a close bond as the weeks go by."

Mrs. Wilkes told the two more about the program and that they would have to turn in an essay about each other before the school year ended. After she finished explaining, Epiphany told Taleah that she would hang out with her tomorrow since it was Saturday.

When Epiphany finally left the building, she felt all her stress leave her body. She was so happy to be out of school that she damn near skipped home. She stopped at a nearby deli buying a chopped cheese and a Snapple peach tea.

As she walked out the door, she noticed Ty Ty up the block in his original spot. His attention was all in his phone, and he barely noticed when Epiphany walked past him.

"Slow down, I just wanna get to know you." Ty Ty singed while he pulled on her arm.

"Can you get off me?" Epiphany asked, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Fine, miss Hollywood."

"How can I act like somewhere I've never been?" Epiphany remarked.

"I like that, imma use that," Ty Ty grinned, showing his pretty teeth as he looked her up and down, "And what I told you about wearing these short ass dresses out here?"

"Ty Ty, you can't tell me what to wear and my dress is down to my knees, so goodbye." Epiphany playfully mushed him out of her face as she started to walk again.

"Nah, nah, nah c'mere." Ty Ty said as he grabbed her arm again.

"What? I'm tryna go home, I'm tired."

Ty Ty casually licked his lips before speaking, "I gotta ask you somethin'... I heard somethin' bout you, but I don't know if it's true."

Epiphany's face turned in to a scowl, "Who sayin' what now? Damn Ty Ty, you know me better than to believe that bullshit you be hearin'."

"Nah, nah it's not even like that," Ty Ty spoke quickly because he could hear that she was getting offended. "That's why I had to come and ask you before jumpin' to conclusions."

"And what do you have to ask me?"

"You fuckin' with my cousin now?" Ty Ty frowned.

Epiphany's eyebrows furrowed, "You know that I don't fuck with anybody Ty Ty. Why the fuck are you even asking me this?"

"I can't just ask you a question? Man, chill..." Ty Ty said, finally releasing her arm.

"My bad," Epiphany sighed. "I'm on my period," She whispered to Ty Ty, making him smile big at her candidness. "Ewwww." Ty Ty laughed.

"Whatever," Epiphany smiled at him. "But, who's your cousin tho?" She still wondered who was talking about her, but she decided to blow it off cause people were gonna talk regardless.


Epiphany got quiet. In all the years that she knew Ty Ty, she never knew that he was related to Crook. Epiphany knew that Ty Ty kept his family dealings private, but damn she never thought that Crook would be his cousin. "So, it's true?" Ty Ty asked, a sly smirk coming across his face.

She didn't even have to say nothing. The look on her face confirmed it all to Ty Ty. "Damn, y'all a cute ass couple," Ty Ty started to tease. "Treyvon and Epiphany sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g--"

"Stop Ty Ty," she immediately felt bashful.

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