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           Agent Banks made good on his promise. Epiphany didn't have to worry about NYCHA taking away her and Leroy's apartment. Due to Agent Banks' pull as a detective, he was able to get in contact with NYCHA and let them know that she worked as an "apprentice" for him. He even provided fabricated pay stubs to show that Epiphany will be able to pay the monthly rent to keep the apartment. Epiphany was so grateful for what Agent Banks did for her and she knew that she had to come through for him and get information on Crook.

Her spirits were lifted, and she was happy that she didn't have to worry about being homeless. She was ready to be able to still care and provide for her brother like she's already been doing. Epiphany did notice a change in Leroy in the past couple of weeks. Besides the fact that he was going through a growth spurt and now stood at 5'6 instead of his old height of 5'3, he seemed a lot more distant, and his mouth was getting crazy.

Epiphany was worried about her baby brother, but of course every time she asked what was wrong, he would say nothing. Maybe it's because daddy died, she thought. Epiphany didn't see Leroy cried once and thought that maybe he was grieving through other ways such as becoming standoffish and talking back.

Epiphany zoned out in her thoughts as a high Ty Ty walked into class. He smiled at Epiphany, and she returned it as he went to the back to go sit down. Ty Ty wasn't shit. He didn't give a fuck about Jailee--- he was already fucking a new girl. After the period was over, Epiphany met up with Aaliyah in the hallway. "One more month and a half," Epiphany rubbed Aaliyah's belly as she smiled.

"I know! I can't wait for my baby Rome to get here!" Aaliyah smiled with joy. "Hopefully everythin' will be fine."

Epiphany smiled. "I know it will be, just be careful Aaliyah."

"As always Epiphany, everything I'm going through now is for my b---"

"Hey girlies!" Shay's voice interrupted Aaliyah. Shay had yet to tell Crook about her pregnancy, but she was sure after last night that he would take the news well. She was now almost 5 weeks pregnant and although her stomach was still as flat as a board, she was experiencing pregnancy symptoms daily now.

Shay had very low self-esteem. She still managed to let Crook fuck last night after she saw that he didn't claim her in public. Epiphany greeted her but Aaliyah didn't. Aaliyah cut her eyes at Shay as she continued speaking, "Like I was saying, I'm going through this for my baby and I know at the end, we'll be okay."

"Hellooo," Shay dragged her voice, annoyed. "You don't hear me speakin'?" She frowned.

Aaliyah looked at Shay. "I hear you," she said before she rolled her eyes. Aaliyah just couldn't put up with Shay anymore. She tried to see the good in her because she was Epiphany's friend, but after she saw her watch her own best friend get jumped without doing anything about it, she knew she wanted no parts of Shay. She never got the chance to confront her until now because Aaliyah was skipping class due to her pregnancy. She felt sluggish and only got out of bed when Rome allowed her to have energy for the day.

"Whatever girl, you lucky you pregnant." Shay replied.

"And if I wasn't what are you gonna do Shay? I'm tired of being nice to you!" Aaliyah felt like retreating to her Harlem days when she used to fight all the time before she got pregnant with Rome. Girls at her old school thought she was pussy because she had a baby face, was skinny, and talked very sweet. However, Aaliyah was far from it. She wanted to slap the mean mug right off Shay's face.

"You're not a real friend! How can you just sit and watch Epiphany get jumped then act like everything is okay? Epiphany may not be able to see it, but I can see that you're jealous of her!" Aaliyah continued, ranting.

Shay rolled the fuck outta her eyes. "Whatever let's go Epiphany. She doesn't wanna sit and listen to your sob story."

"My sob story?" Aaliyah scoffed, in disbelief. "Your sob story is that you're chasin' a man that doesn't even claim you! I heard about you Shay! And I didn't wanna believe it, but now I do. You are weird! Crook isn't your man! You just say that because you want it to be true. You're delusional. He doesn't like you nor does he want you! He was just with Diamond the other day in my building! I saw him!"

Epiphany looked at Shay who was quiet as a mouse. She knew that Aaliyah's words had stung because she didn't even have anything to say back. At least somebody told her, Epiphany thought to herself. Shay was just one of Crook's side hoes and that was all she would ever be.

Shay's blood was boiling. Before she knew it, her right hand raised and came across Aaliyah's cheek, making her head snap violently to the left. "What the hell!" Epiphany yelled as she tried to hold Aaliyah back. "She's 8 months pregnant what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I don't give a fuck! Fuck that bitch, her face ain't pregnant!"

"You dead wrong," Epiphany shook her head in shame as she watched Aaliyah's eyes become misty with tears.

"You could hit me but couldn't hit Diamond when she jumped in the fight?" Aaliyah spoke sadly. She had suspicions that Shay didn't really like her, but this confirmed that they were true. She never thought in a million years that Shay would hit her. Shay's hand left a red burning sensation on Aaliyah's cheek.

"Fuck you bitch." Shay spat with venom, not caring.

"No, fuck you!" Aaliyah retorted. "Don't call me when Crook denies your baby 'cause he will, you hoe!"

Shay had nothing to say cause deep down inside she knew it was true. "Oh, so you told her?" Shay rolled her eyes at Epiphany.

CrookedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora