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Wang So

It was time. The household was asleep. Byul was protected from all the entrances by trusted night guards. His wife and daughter were sound asleep in his bedroom, and he had Yong stand guard. Now, it was time for him to do what he must. He had worn his hunting clothes with his hair up in a bun, with his black and grey mask. Silently, he grabs his sword and walk out of his bedchamber. Not looking at the bed because the sight of Soo and Seol will not help him tonight. No, not when he had to let the darkness in tonight. He did not wish to taint them. Giving a silent nod to Yong, he walks with silent footsteps out of the house, to the courtyard connected to the palace grounds. It was time to head to the underground prison to deliver on the threats that he had been making for weeks.

Wang Yo

Finally. That wolf-dog could be seen through the vent. Though it was undignified, he had resorted to hiding inside the vents. And in order to avoid detection, he was lying on his stomach and was quite cramped in a rather tiny limited place. But it could not be helped. Not when the underground prison was one of the most protected place in the palace, with the most competent and loyal soldiers of Pyeha was all over. He needs to find something for him to bring back that can take care of the obstacles in front of him that block the path towards the throne. Though it was hard to see, it was still possible for him to hear everything that was going in the cell underneath him.


The occupants in the prison were terrified. Some hid their fear, other was quite obvious. It was not a rumor after all. No, the fourth imperial prince was really some kind of monster.

For how was it possible for those with royal blood, the mighty and majestic to do such thing. To personally, break the bones of prisoners, to burn the skin with a hot iron, to make deep cuts on a woman's face. Because that was what the 4th prince had been doing. Ever since he had arrived in the cell, he had personally been interrogating each of the prisoners.

The ones in the beginning had though it was going to be a joke. Why would a prince do such things? Those threats in that book they had been read to for the past weeks must all be a bluff. That was what everyone thought, but no it was not.

With a calm expression, and a deep voice void of any emotion, the 4th prince had been interrogating them. And those who were not giving anything up, not even a small amount were killed. By the sword laid on the table next to the interrogation tools. A single strike straight to the heart, killing them in seconds. It must have been a relief to that prisoner. But the torture continue with the next one, the ones who spoke up were taken aside by the royal guards.

Most likely so that the prisoner can personally recount their sins to His Majesty. The prison guards knew that their ruler was nearby and was waiting to personally interrogate those who were willing to talk. The fact that His Majesty who had been hearing all of the tortured sounds created by his son's hands but had not brought anyone to stop his son was terrifying. It was different from the palace guard's image of an aging benevolent king. No it was like there were two beasts here tonight. Both of them tearing apart those they had deem to be unworthy in to pieces.

"Stop, stop, please. I will talk. I will tell you everything." Though words spoken by the court lady finally stop the sounds. For what lady will not talk, not when she was now bleeding from a cut on her cheek that extend from her a corner of her lip to near her ear, now permanently disfigured, when she had been one of the more beautiful court ladies.

Silently, the 4th prince put down the knife, and dragged a chair in front of the tied prisoner and sat down in silence.

"My mistress was right, you, you are a beast. You should be taken down. You and all those soiled by you."

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