Silence in the Palace

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The Goryeo Palace was silent. The silence was cold and all-consuming. It all had to do with the silent rage of the Emperor and the Crown Prince. It all started over four days ago, when during an audience with the King, the 4th Prince Wang So collapsed in a pool of blood. Though no one knew what exactly what happened before the prince collapsed except for those who were in the chamber with the King, whatever happened had made the King into a brooding silent wall.

In no time at all, the 4th prince had been carried to a royal prince's chamber and was attended by the royal doctor. But all they could find at the beginning was poisoning. But even if the antidote was given, the prince's shakes will not stop, the blood still dripping from his mouth, and he threw up more and more blood as time went by. The royal doctor that attended to the prince had called a few of the other royal doctors and in no time at all, they were multiple doctors present at the 4th prince's sick bed. The 4th prince who seemed to be coughing blood, shaking horribly and who was completely unconscious. Whatever this brand of poison was it was truly frightening just looking at the effects it had on the 4th prince.

The crown prince who always was more meek, was enraged. Armed with a royal order in his hand, the crown prince had started to question everyone that could have had access to the 4th prince's food. All palace maids and court ladies were searched, making sure no one was the culprit. But instead of the culprit for the 4th prince's poisoning, they found servants that were planning to poison the Crown Prince instead. Those ladies were immediately put to death, after a severe interrogation where they did not reveal the names of the person who wanted to poison the crown prince.

The ministers were in shock to see the change in the king, who was strong but in a way peace-loving, to this form of angry king who was practically ignoring all of the court officials. He had never seemed to care for his children, except for the Crown Prince so what made the 4th prince special. He was the bad curse of the royal family. If he died, in a way the ministers will be more happy as a stain in the royal family will be gone. It was a sentiment shared by many others, particularly his mother and older brother Yo.

When the other princes heard, they were shocked of course, but they believed the rumors of 4th being a powerful beast-like human. Except for Baek Ah, who had seen his Hyungnim for who he really was, so he visited him as much as he could. Dragging the 10th and 14th with him when he could. The kind-hearted Eun, who could not see such suffering on anyone, start to see his 4th brother as human as he witness the bloody clothes and his older brother who was constantly shaking. So the 10th prince decided to tell the 4th prince funny stories because the doctor said that the prince needed encouragement to fight. But the 14th was stubborn and did not like his brother So at all. But he went to see him all the same when dragged along by his older brothers.

A day had passed since the poisoning of the 4th prince, when a sudden changed in his health occurred. Once again it was in front of the King, but this time it was Baek Ah and Eun with together with his father. The 4th prince had briefly come to consciousness and apparently had said something that warned the others that the imperial princes were in danger.

Once again only those present in the room knew the exact words. The 4th prince's warning was taken into account and the royal investigation office and royal guards start to pay attention to the surroundings of the other princes. It was as they were looking over the things from the exorcism rite that they discovered it. The utensils were poisoned. All the utensils that the royals were supposed to use as the exorcism rite, if the assassins had not attacked, there was traces of poison on all of them. The 4th prince had drank the poison out of all of them. That was the reason for such an intense poisoning. That afternoon, the 4th prince who seemed to be getting better, once again got sick, this time with a dangerously high fever. Burning him up to the point, that the doctors feared how he will survive through the night.

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