Another Wave

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Wang So

His soul. His heart. everything was frozen. He couldn't feel anything. Just that same image going through his mind again and again.

His beautiful Soo, so pale, trying to breathe and staring at his eyes as she whispers so softly. Poisoned Tea, and when he look at the face of that wench, he knew. Even if she did directly put the poison in the tea, she knew about it. She will be ruin. Oh she will be destroyed in the way that he had wished to do in the past life.

"Place her on my back," as he crunches down on his knees, and wait for his precious Soo's body to be place on his back. As soon as he place his hand underneath her knees, he stands up and simply exits the room. Not in Damiwon. Soo will never be stuck inside Damiwon again. If she has to stay at a single place for a long time, it will be in her palace, in her home Byul. He took the many hidden corridors inside Damiwon to get out without being seen by anyone.

As soon as Hae Soo gets up, because she will be, she will never leave him again, she had promised. He will start the hunt.


"Omma, Appa." She knew that it was useless but she could not stop her screams. She just got them back. She will not lose them again. Nor will she be separated from them again. She feel someone's hand on her shoulders. It was her Uncle Beak Ah. It did not matter who it was. They need to take her home.

"Uncle, please," trying to hold back the tears, she begs him. "Please take me to Byul, I want to be close to her." But his face told her that it will not be possible because to them she was a child who should not witness this. Well, they have not met her. She will get what she want.

There. It was risky, but it was the only way.

Young Princes

They could not comprehend what happened. On their way back from the market, their Hyungnim had dropped off a covered cart to the Captain of the Royal Guards before all of them made their way to Damiwon where they knew all the ladies were. Sure, the presence of king's entourage inside Damiwon was a bit of surprise but they knew how much their father love to spend time with Soo so they did not think much of it. But what they saw when they entered the room was something that none of them ever wished to witness.

Their beloved sister-in-law Hae Soo collapsing, struggling to breathe. Poisoned inside the castle. Poisoned when she was pregnant. That was when the brothers truly knew fear. The fear of death because right in front of them, the slightly aloof but warm So-Hyungnim change into a being of ice.

A look into his eyes and you could see that these eyes were of a dead man. And when So-Hyungnim had crunched down and spoke, his voice was so cold. So cold filled with such despair. Then before they could process anything, So-Hyungnim and Soo both of them were gone from the room, and this time, the silent room was filled with screams of their niece. A child crying out for her parents. But how can they tell a three year old that their parents were like that because of poison, no matter how much she wishes to be with them, they could not do that.

"Ji Mong, investigate everyone, royals included. The young princes and the ladies are exempt. Doctor, go to Byul." The King's command. The voice, their father's voice was just like So-Hyungnim when he was angry. The young princes had only heard from Soon Deok just how terrifying their Hyung's voice filled with anger could be, and if it was just like the King's voice right now, they will not blame anyone for being afraid. Then their father turns towards them and speaks.

"14th prince and Princess Yeon Hwa, go to your mothers and tell them that I want to meet with both of them tonight in the throne room. Jung-ah, after delivering the message, you can go to Byul. Princess, you will be escorted by a guard and you will not leave his sight. 13th prince, go to the infirmary and get the doctors. 10th prince, go find the Crown Prince and tell him what happened before going to Byul. Lady Park, alert your father and tell him to implement the barrier. Lady Woo Hee, go to your brother and keep me posted on what is happening. Take your niece...."

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