Private Tea with Taejo

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King Taejo

When he received the request for tea through Ji Mong yesterday, he realized that the child moved fast, and just what kind of talks she had in just under a day in the palace. Since he was curious, he told Ji Mong to deliver the message that he had accepted the tea invitation.

Now, here he sits in one of the many tea rooms at Damiwon, waiting for that peculiar child to arrive. "Pyeha, The 4th prince and his wife Lady Hae are here." The attendant announced, just as the doors opened and his 4th son and his new wife enters the tea room.

"Greetings to the King." As the couple in front of him strengthen up from their bows, he notices just from his son's face that he was happier than he had ever seen him. His eyes rather than rage, held peace. Both of them were dressed in similar colours. His son in a black and silver hanbok with a silver belt while his wife, his newest daughter-in-law, wore colours similar to a sanggung as her hanbok was silver with dark green flowers through it, her hair up in an elaborate braided bun. He gestures for them to sit across for him with his hands, and silently they did. The moment they sat down, a court lady entered with tea and desserts. He took the cup in front of him and took a sip, at the same time, his son did.

"Just like I said before, Pyeha. You and the prince are so similar, you are making the same face." Now that he actually look, he could see the same expression of subtle dislike on his son So, and his son must have noticed too, because he seemed pleased. "You know I always thought that finding out the favourites of someone can be done with a bit of effort, but it is a difficult thing with you two. I remember the first time I offered his favourite tea to Your Highness, he told me to take it away."

"I told you to not appear in front of me, so of course I was not going to accept your tea."

"Well, you are the one that jumped to conclusions and told me to disappear, then did a complete turn in your behaviour."

"I have already apologized for that. Why do you need me to apologize for it again?"

"No need for that, what I want is for you to please stop misunderstanding my looks."

"That's why I said to you to not lie to me. But you did it anyways."

"When, when did I lie to you?"

"After I saved you from the thugs, I asked you if you were hurt, but you hide that."

"Because I did not want you to worry, or get more angry with Jungie-nim."

"I would not have gotten more angry with Jung-ah. But it was your knees, you know that you have to be careful to not hurt your body, especially your knees. What if you will have trouble walking like the doctor said."

"And I told you that I am be careful. That's why yesterday I let the doctor's assistant examine me, that too right in front of you."

"You two are well matched for each other." That's when his son and daughter-in-law turned towards him, forgetting their bickering, and when they realized who was in front of them, they both blushed and bowed their heads in embarrassment.

What the child said at her last meeting with him was correct. The child did need something to win against her husband. He knew how mature both of them were, but the moment they are together it seemed like they revert back to children. It was a special thing in a palace built on lies and manipulation, that now there was a couple that only seemed to have harmony and peace with each other.

"My apologizes, Pyeha. We forgot where we were. It is an old discussion between us on how she needs to take care of her health and be a bit more careful."

"How the prince should look at his own actions, and realize that he is also reckless. Never mind that Pheya, I have a gift for you. I collected it myself." Then the child gestures to a maid behind them who gave over a two piles of boxes to Lady Hae. The child places the box on the table, then forwards the box towards him. Curious he puts his cup down, and open the box. Inside the boxes were small compartments and in each of them were a wild plant or fruit. "Pheya's personal tea ingredients. I know that you prefer tea made from plants so I went out yesterday and got the herbs in the second box, which when combined with tea is good for your health as it cleanses your blood. All the things are something that I picked it out myself."

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