Week in Between

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The palace seemed to have returned to normal. The cold atmosphere from the week before seemed to have passed. Though people were not aware, there have been changes in the palace.

First was the King's announcement that the 4th prince will now reside in the palace and not returning to his adopted clan. It would not have been a shocking announcement but the fact that the 4th prince had been granted a private quarter on palace grounds was the shocking fact. All the court officials got was the explanation that the 4th prince had put his life on line to protect the royal family from being poisoned so it was a reward to thank him for the service. When the court official learnt that the 4th prince had been granted the right to choose any residence, they were worried that he will choose a residence close to the King's quarter, but instead the prince had chosen one of the compounds at the edge of the palace that was near the lotus pond and Dongii lake. Those worried about the black sheep of the family being close to the true royals were happy that he have chosen to live so far away. Though the 4th prince had just started to recover from the poisoning, he had moved to his new quarter almost immediately.

Second change was more of a hidden change. 10th prince Wang Eun and 13th prince Wang Baek Ah has grown closer than before and they were seen taking storybooks from the library before making their way to the 4th prince's quarters where he was recovering. For some reason, the 10th prince was angry with the 14th so he was just a tad bit cold towards him and they did not seem to spend as much time together.

Two days after the 4th prince had moved into his new residence, the Astronomer Choi went by to visit him and came back with a long to do list. All the items on there were things that was needed in the prince's residence. From things like a round dining table, to a storage full of herbs of all kinds. They were many others and the palace maids were busy gathering all the things together before going over to the 4th prince's compound and setting up the place. It took about three days for the 4th prince to be satisfied with his private compound. It was then he had selected his personal servants for the residence from among those who helped to bring the items to the 4th prince's place. There was nothing strange about that.

But those that were selected soon learned the difference. Different than other royals, 4th prince did not need the servants to do many things. He will take a bath by himself, dress by himself, and even set his hair by himself. When the night was not cold, instead of his rooms, he will sleep out in the courtyard. All the servants had to do was do the laundry, prepare the food, and make sure that the residence was clean. 4th prince's servants were happy with the decrease in their workload. Unlike the rumors, the 4th prince was not cruel, not even to the slaves at his residence. Instead he was pleasant towards them and never spoke to them in a condecending manner.

As the 4th prince was still recovering, his movements were restricted and he spent his time either in his room or out in one of the courtyard in his residence. The 10th and 13th prince came by daily to keep him company. 10th prince telling him tales, while the 13th prince played instruments or drew. After a while, the princes began to play chess against each other. Once the 4th prince felt he was strong enough, he made both of his brothers practice martial arts with him. Sometimes the Crown Prince will visit and he will join in on the training sessions.

Finally after two weeks, one week of illness and one week of recovery, the 4th prince was given permission by the doctor to resume normal activities. After thanking the doctor, the 4th prince went to his private room to change. From the full on black hanbok with silver or gold threadwork that he was wearing to different set of hanbok. On top of black underclothes, we wore a wine-red and black hanbok with a golden sash (the one in prison visit). Setting his hair completely down with a small knot holding his top hair back in a band of gold and silver (the envoy fashion), the 4th prince strode out of his quarters towards the palace stables.

Over at the private residence of the 8th prince, there also were changes that people observed. It was concentrated one individual. Lady Hae Soo. The lady who had hit her head and lost her memories just a couple days ago who was poisoned, kidnapped and returned home safely by the princes.

The first day after her return, she had simply rested in her room. But then the next morning, she was up and about. Dressed in a very plain set of hanbok, the lady had taken her servant with her to pray at the wishing tower. After returning that noon, Lady Soo was observed nervously cleaning up her room and then had visited the kitchen to check on what herbs they had. That afternoon, 10th, 13th and 14th prince visited to inquiry about her and from what the servants had heard, all Lady Soo told them was that she was fine and to make sure to tell the 4th prince to take care of his health. Then after the prince's visit, Lady Soo accompanied the household as they visited the poor.

When she came back, there was a message waiting for her from the 13th prince. When she read the letter, Lady Soo, in front of her maid-servant and the wandering servants had laughed so loudly and smiled so widely that it seemed like she was granted her dearest wish from the heavens. Then the lady once again made a visit to the wishing tower that night before retiring. Having dealt with the weird behaviours of the lady after she had injured her head, the servants were expecting strange behaviours but they hoped that it will not continue.

Luckily, Lady Soo's behaviour seem to settle down over the next week. The lady that had no interest in household affairs now seemed to be really interested in them. The servants heard her talking with her cousin about how to manage a household and even asking her to explain the noble clans to her. Suddenly the carefree young girl seemed to be now more calm and actually behaving like a lady.

Not that she was still not wild. She went out to the market on her everyday and came back with so many ideas. Or like one day, she decided to take a hike up the mountain and came back, filled with mud but carrying wild plants and herbs in her hand with a wide smile. Then one morning, the lady visited the kitchen and wanted recipes from the head cook on all kinds of desserts. She seemed to switch between a noble lady and a servant constantly.

Not to mention how she suddenly seemed so interested in fashion. One of the maids that dresses the Princess as well as Lady Hae had told her fellow maids that Lady Soo had came to her wanting to learn how to make different hairstyles. When told she could not, as it was not proper, the lady had repeated insisted that it was enough if she only learn to make the simplest braided bun that a married woman wore. Unable to withstand the constant pleasing, the maid had demonstrated for Lady Soo. Then the lady had made her own hair in that exact same fashion in just couple of minutes, without any assistance. After letting her hair down again, Lady Soo had exited the maid's room with a large smile, according to the maid.

Finally after four days of weird behaviour and with the 8th prince also being concerned about her, Lady Hae finally asked her cousin what she was doing. Whatever they had talked about in private, apparently was enough to reassure Lady Hae, and Lady Soo resumed being her usual self. Another weird thing was how often Lady Soo visit the wishing tower and now she was looking after her own health extra carefully. So the week passes at the 8th prince's residence, all the servants being on high alert due to the irritated Princess, the concerned and distant Prince, his ill but kind wife Lady Hae, and her wild cousin Lady Hae Soo.

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