Palace Gossip

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People thought that the palace will never change. So what if the royal family now had a new daughter-in-law to the King? This one new member will not make much a difference to the palace life. But they were wrong, for in just a day after her wedding, the new member of the royal family, Lady Hae Soo, the wife of the 4th Prince Wang So was already making waves through the palace's still waters. But no one could really do anything about her actions, as in essence her actions were not a crime.

But the maids could not help but gossip. People thought they were invisible, thus did not pay attention to them, which means that they witnessed a lot. As there were people, they shared tales with their fellow servants and maids, thus they had perhaps the best information network. The tales of Lady Hae Soo were also spreading through this method. Silently in a way that it had not caught the attention of the court officials or the royal family. The tales of Lady Hae Soo began from her wedding day and from that day on the peculiarities about the lady were noted and spread.

She was behaving just like a bride on the morning of her wedding day, till after she was dressed in her hanbok but before her hair was going to set. The bride, Lady Soo, had insisted on doing her own makeup, and what skills she had. Her skills with makeup were perhaps one of the best they had witnessed, better than most court ladies of Damiwon. This was just a simple thing, and the maids who witnessed it forgot all about it, as they were in a rush to finish the preparations on time.

But the Damiwon maids remembered her skills when after her wedding ceremony, Lady Hae Soo was changing to a new hanbok, before she will officially enter her husband's household. For right after her bath before her wedding night, Lady Soo dressed up in her hanbok on her own, then while her hair was drying, she had got all the makeup supplies in Damiwon in front of her. Then once again she started to do her own makeup. Fast but with delicate skill that her already fair skin looked even more healthy and she painted her lips to such a luxurious shade of pink that shined on her face. A royal family member that did their own makeup and dressed on her own was surely a peculiar sight to the court ladies who usually tended to those tasks.

Damiwon court ladies were also human, if they found something interesting, they will watch. When some of the young palace maiden were heading towards Damiwon, they witnessed an interesting sight. A couple was being intimate in broad daylight, embracing each other and maybe even kissing. When they noticed who they were they were even more surprised. That was the newly married 4th prince and his wife.

Luckily for the maids who knew all about the infamous temper of the 4th prince, no one had noticed them hiding behind the pillars. After the couple separated from their embrace, silently with smiling on their faces, they had hold each other's hands, and exit the Damiwon Palace towards the gardens through which the 4th private compound was situated.

Though the palace servants could never get anything out of the 4th prince's personal servants, they also knew that Lady Soo's wedding night was different than the other royals. For her husband, the 4th prince, had given her meaningful gifts and apparently had arranged for a very special meal together.

Before they realized the sun had risen and the first morning after the wedding ceremony had begun, as the light snow had stop falling, leaving behind a few places on the grounds white with snow. The servants from the Hae clan were the ones that told the following tales.

On the first day, the maids did not want to make any mistakes so they made sure everything was ready beforehand then head to their mistress's chambers to help her dress for the day. But they could not find her in her private chambers. Figuring that since the married couple shared a room last night, the Hae servants made their way to the chambers across the hallway to the 4th Prince's bedchamber. There in front of the prince's chambers, Hae servants of five met some of the servants of the 4th prince, who also seemed to be looking for their master who was not in his chambers. When informed that their mistress was also not in her rooms, the servants thought that maybe the couple had went for a walk together and had just went out in simple hanbok. The servants already knew that both the Prince and his wife love to take a leisurely stroll through the gardens. Therefore, the two groups of servants split up and went to do other tasks till their master and mistress returns.

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