The Chase

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Wang So

When the fate set up a test, he had already realized just how painful it could. But never just how much. Everything burnt, his ears were ringing, all he could taste and smell was blood. But his mind was still aware, and he never stop urging his body to keep on fighting. No matter how much his body burnt or how much the disgusting taste of blood never seem to leave his throat. He felt himself being moved, and being fed some liquid from time to time. Medicine. The royal doctors must be here. But what about Soo? From what he could remember Soo still was at Wook's residence, and because of her Unni's illness, the doctor should be nearby, but was that doctor a good one? What if no one was there to help her when she fell ill, Soo loves to walk and she could be stuck somewhere. But he could not feel his body, so how can he go to her? He just willed his body to get stronger as fast as it could. His body that was used to battles were suffering like this, to Soo's fragile body this will be torture beyond anything that she had to experience. He had to be able to move soon, he could not stay here without knowing about Soo's condition, without a chance to actually see her again.

Something cold touched his eyelid, a cloth wiping his sweat. And voices, the voices of his younger brothers. Of Eun and Baek-Ah. The voices that he will never forget, the ones that light up the frozen palace. Voices were not enough, he needed to see them. To make sure it was not a dream, that they were truly alive. Unlike before he could feel the separate parts of his body though the pain nor the bloody taste never left. Battling against all the pain that he felt in his body, he open his eyes and turn his head. There they were. His younger brothers. Laughing. Laughing and smiling. Like they used to before the coldness got them, before the darkness. Taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth to speak. He want to reassure them, want to actually converse with them.

"Eun-ah....Baek Ah-ya...."

"Hyungnim!! Are you awake? Your body? Call the doctor, are you alright?" The mother-hen Baek-Ah, and right beside him was Eun-ah looking so happy to see him. But it will never be compared to how he felt. How much his heart warms at the sight of Eun in front of him alive and well. He wants to continue to see them, but his body was failing him again. He could feel the darkness approaching, but just for a little while, he fought against it. He had to tell his precious brothers to be careful.

"Eun-ah, Baek-ah, be careful. Learn to fight. You can't die. Not my cute younger brothers." even if he took a lot of shaky breathes in the middle, at least he could speak to them. The mix of confusion and alarm on their faces meant that they heard him. But he did not have the strength yet to explain. But Baek Ah was smart, he will be able to figure it out. Smiling slightly to reassure them he let his eyes close and start to go back into the darkness. He could hear the cries of his name from Baek Ah and Eun filled with concern fill his ears but it seemed like an annoying background noise. But then he heard another voice. Such a distinct voice and the one that remained in his memory throughout his entire life.

"So-yah," his father was calling him. His father was here in his sick chamber. He did care about him if he was here. He could not disappoint the only parent that actually showed his any affection. He blinks his eyelids a couple of times till he could opened his eyes once again and he moves head a little till he could see him. His father dressed in his royal robes that was sitting at the edge of his bed, looking at him. The sight of him was enough for him to smile, and the fact that he was alive, he could feel his eyes watering slightly. But no matter how happy he was, if the king was here, then he was taking him away from his duties. The state of Goryeo was not stable yet, especially after the rite. The king had to be performing his duties. For him just the sight of him was enough for him to gain some strength, his father did not need to worry about him, as he will be back to full strength soon, he could feel it. His father had called him by his name, had worried about him, that was enough. He focus on making a sound pass through his throat and convey that message to him, using the last bit of strength in his body before falling into the darkness again.

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