A Day Together

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Wang So

All he could do was look around in amazement. At the amount of people that filled the streets, at the woman who had their ankles and legs exposed. Men with short hair. We even saw different colours in hair. They were even some woman who had their stomach exposed. The world that Hae Soo originally came from amazed and puzzled him. Amazed by the sights, puzzled because it seems like everyone had a small object that had light up in their hands or press against their eyes and they were talking into it. Even the language that he heard was more informal than ever. Wang So was wary of all these strangeness, but he did not show his discomfort at all.

Especially when he saw the smiling and excited face of Soo. A face that he hardly remember seeing. Soo was leading them towards a small hut. When if he did not have the senses of his nickname 'wolf-dog', he did have superior sense compared to an ordinary person and he could smell the food being cooked from the hut. Soo went straight for the entrance entering the hut, and he followed a little behind.

The scene that he saw when he entered was classic-Soo, the trouble magnet. She was widely waving her hands in the air while talking to an ajumoni, that was not the problem, it was the tray of large bowl in the hands of a servant that was not looking ahead that was right behind her. As Soo was not looking behind her, either this had a potential of being a disaster capable of burning her fair skin if her arms hit the soup in anyway. And there was no chance under the heavens that Soo will be hurt again on his watch. He made his way towards where Soo was, passing small rectangle tables with chairs, many of them filled with people either eating or talking. This place was just like the village tavern. Being in a familiar setting, at least So knew what the tavern was like, he felt himself relaxing a little.

"Ha-Jin ah..," that was the ajumoni's scream with Soo's other name. When he turn to look, there Soo was just like he thought, trying to avoid the bowl that was now high in the air, it must have been lighter than he had thought, heading straight to her, but Soo is not able to run because of those shoes that she had insisted on wearing, the one called hii-ru.

Not bothering to think, he run the short distance to Soo, grabs her in his arms and lift her out of the way of the bowl of liquid that was heading towards her. It seems like he made it just in time, as he heard the clash on the floor behind him as the bowl shattered. But that was just a background annoyance to him. His entire focus was on Soo. Framing her face with his hands, he lift her face up so he could stare directly into her eyes.

"Soo-ya, kenchana?"

"Yes. I'm alright. I was just startled."

"Your heart, is your heart ok? The royal doctor did tell you to be careful and to avoid shocks."

"I am really alright. My body is healthy, what about you?"

"Babo, of course I am alright." Relieved that she seemed to be alright, he could only smile, as she smiled back at her.

"Ha-Jin ah, kenchana? Young man, are you ok? Aigoo, you got soup on you." The ajumoni Soo was talking to earlier now came up to them. Remembering that they were in public, no matter how much he did not care about that, there was still something called etiquette. Taking his hands off Soo's face, he turn to the ajumoni, and slightly nodded his head. He did not really want to speak, his mind was still getting adjusted to the reality that Soo's trouble-magnet ways was not something that only happen in Songak, it seems she was really just a trouble-magnet that cause the most unique troubles for herself. He felt Soo step ahead of him to talk to the ajumoni, telling her that she was not hurt that she was sorry for not being careful.

So turn his head away from them, and look ahead to the one that was standing a few paces away, the one that held the tray with the soup that was about to burn Soo. He could feel the hotness of the liquid on his back through his clothing. If that had hit Soo, with her thin clothing and fair skin, she would have definitely have burned. The thought of her being harmed due to some servant's carelessness, he could feel his ire to rising. Though he could not punish that servant, he still could glare at the servant as much as he want. So what if, he knew that his glare, according to Baek Ah and Jung, was something that can cause nightmares if he use it when he was angry. For potentially hurting Soo, his queen it was a mild thing to suffer just a few bad dreams. At least the servant will learn to to be careful now. There was tugging at his wrist, so he turn his head to look at Soo, who seemed to have finished her talk with the ajumoni.

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