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Hae Soo

She hated the gods at that moment. Why can't they ever continue their blissful and peaceful time. And why was it always her prince, Wang So that was getting hurt to save her? Looking at the face of her pale husband on the bed, she reaches out with a cloth to wipe his sweat away from his brows. His pained face. Was this the face that he had when he was poisoned, because the only time she had been able to heal his wounds has been with the arrow wound on his arm. But she was here now, and he was not alone anymore. Not this time. Hae Soo ignored all the sounds around her, just concentrate on providing comfort for her prince. She knew that he will not die. He can't die because he was stronger than anyone she knew.

The royal chamber of 4th prince in the main palace

The room was filling up quickly. Soldiers from the royal army were stationed both inside and outside the room. No one was allowed to enter unless they had passed a body check. The assassination attempt on the King was a secret to the majority of the palace occupants, especially all the Queens as the mastermind for the attack at the exorcism rite has not been found yet.

The King was sitting at a chair, right beside him standing was the royal doctor checking his pulse, but Taejo's eyes were firmly on the bed. Ji Mong was standing near the King, but he was also staring intensely at the bed.

The bed where just a little less than a month ago, the same individual has been close to death's door due to sacrificing himself to save his brothers. Now, that same person had used his own body as a shield against arrows aiming at his father and his newly wedded wife. It had just been two days since their wedding, and this was the scene. The husband, Wang So once again bedridden with injuries, and his wife, Hae Soo, silently sitting on the bed, wiping his sweat.

The King was worried for his daughter-in-law. After the guards have rushed into the room, the King had noticed the silence behind him and saw that his son was on the ground unconscious on top of his wife, who was shaking him and the places he had been struck with two arrows were bleeding. The guards had quickly lifted the prince off the ground, and had carried the prince on to the royal chamber where the prince had previously stayed when he was sick. Following the guards without registering her movements had been his daughter-in-law. The moment the prince was laid upon the bed on his stomach, the King had witnessed a sight that he will never forget.

His 4th son's wife was the one that was stripping away his clothes, and as the doctor has not arrived yet. She had ripped her own skirt with her hands to get a cloth and starts to clean up the blood. The King had been clearly been able to see the tears on Hae Soo's eyes but she did not let the tears fall down, just silently cleaning the blood away on her husband's body. When finally the doctor arrived, the King had personally wondered if there were shortage of doctors in the palace, that it took so long for one to arrive after being sent for. As the same two royal doctors Song and Jin that had attended to his son through his poisoning, the King saw that his daughter-in-law did not move away from her spot. She had simply took a hold of the wet cloth on the table and had start to clean her husband's face. She still has not spoken was just staring at her husband.

Suddenly .the doors to the chamber were yanked open and rushing into the room, ignoring the guards that tried to stop them were the princes. Crown Prince Mu, Wook, Eun, Baek Ah, and Jung. The first person that the Princes encountered were Ji Mong and they fired their questions at him.

"Ji Mong, is Pyeha alright?"

"Ji Mong, Pyeyh? What about Hyungnim?"

"Ji Mong, is Hyungnim alright?"

"Ji Mong, is Pyeha alright? What about So and Hyungsunim?"

"Ji Mong, Pyeha? Hyung? Noonim?"

"Ji mong, how is Soo?"

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