Cocoon of Warmth & Love

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Wang So

When his eyes opened, the first thing he noticed was how clear his vision was. Second thing was that he was in his plain white sleepwear, not his royal hanbok. Then when Wang So truly look at himself, he knew that he had died. For he was in the body of his young teenage self. An impossible feat that only the gods were capable of. It seems he had finally died. Now he will have a chance to see his loved ones again. Especially his brothers, Mu and Eun. The two he missed everyday.

Standing up from the mattress where he had been laid, he looks around. The shamans were wrong, heavens did not seem to be full of flowers nor had pathways made up of gold leading towards a destination. He was in a room. A large room with four walls. The wall behind him had the mattress, and across the room, there was a bed. A bed with another white-clothed figure who appeared to be sleeping lying on it, like he had been a moment ago.

Who was it? Who was sharing this room with him?

Curious, he slowly start to walk towards the bed, surveying his new surroundings, which if he think about it logically it should be the afterlife. The room was indeed large, actually it was about the size of his royal chamber. As he turns his head he take note on what is in the room. An action that was pure instinct to him. No matter what title he held, at the core he was and always will be a soldier first, and being aware was the first lesson that Grand General Park taught him.

To his right, there was a sitting area with floor cushion, and there was one huge cushion which seemed to have a back cushion attached that was standing up on its own. The wall in front of the sitting area had some black large object that was shining on it. Definitely something to investigate, after he finds out just who was in the room with him. Sadly, there was no sign of any weapon so it seems like he will have to survive on his wit, if it was a hostile person on that bed.

To his left, there was two closets and stacks of small tables, mostly used for dining, but there was no food in sight. He heard that heavens or afterlife was a simple place, but once again it was lies. Those who believe the priests and shamans were truly simpletons, what could a living being know about the afterlife. There were many suspicious things in this place and anything suspicious meant a possibility of danger.

But as soon as So reaches the bed, see the figure also dressed in a plain sleeping hanbok, all of his thoughts flew away from his mind. It did not matter what this place truly was, as there were no signs of attackers hidden in the place, or whether he had truly died or not. Because in front of him, lying so peacefully was a person that he longed to see for over two decades. Every single day since he last saw her. The woman who took his heart away and left without his permission. Hae Soo. Hae Soo. His Soo-ya.

With speed that he didn't know he possessed, Wang So climbed up onto that bed, and lift his lover into his arms. Her precious body was once again home in his arms and he let out a breath that he did not he was holding. Slowly he lift his hand to touch her face. Afraid that this was once again a dream, a dream that he had Soo in his arms again like so many he had over the years. But he could touch her, his hands felt her soft skin, his thumb slowly caressing her cheek, his eyes were fixed on her face. Just taking all of her in. Memorizing her face once again and noticing that her face was more fuller than he remembered, her skin softer. So could feel that he was smiling, Soo's body was like his, returning back to the time when they first met on that marketplace.

But why was Soo not waking up. She was a light sleeper, who used to wake up the moment she was touched, but now she was not even moving. Afraid that something was wrong, because when did the heavens allow him to have happiness, he quickly checked her over. Her pulse was steady, and Soo did not seem to have any signs of injury. His hands were shaking her, urging her to wake up, to open her eyes. He knew that he was shouting but it did not matter all that mattered was for Soo to wake up. For him to see her doe-like eyes once again.

Hae Soo

She could feel herself being shaken. There was also a voice.

"Hae Soo-ya, Soo-ya, open your eyes. Soo-ya. Soo-ya."

Over and over there was a familiar voice calling out her name. But she felt tired to her bones, and all she want to do is to sleep. But that annoying voice will not let her rest. It kept on calling her, again and again, getting louder each time, constantly calling her name.

Then she felt herself being moved and now she was in someone's arms, there was a set of arms that now surrounded her, her body surrounded. Cocooned in warmth, warmth of a hard and strong body that was also gentle and soft. It was like being in a cave of protection and the same voice that was calling for her, now it was pleading. Pleading for her to wake up.

"Soo-ya. Chebal, chebal, open your eyes. I'm here. I'm here Soo-ya. Soo-ya. It's me. Don't be scared. I told you right you are mine. You are my person, Soo-ya. I love you Soo-ya. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I was too proud to look at your letters. I'm sorry I'm late. Please just open your eyes."

That line. That line that said she was his person. This was not a familiar stranger calling for her. Her 4th Prince. Her Wang So-nim. He was here and he was calling for her. He loves her, he loves her. He doesn't hate her, he still loves her. So many things had separated her from him. Her body was not going to be one of them. No she was going to see him.

She opens her eyes, fighting against her drooping eyelids. The first thing she saw was hair. The Prince's hair that was unbound just flowing down his back, tangled and wild looking. Truly, he was the type of person that did not care about his appearance unless he had to. Quick and efficient was always the way for the 4th prince. With a smile on her face, Hae Soo lift her arms, and now hug her prince, pulling his body closer to her. She could feel the sudden stillness of his body, before it relaxes and his arms pull her even tightly to him. With a smile on her face, she opens her mouth to speak.

"I am right here, Your Majesty." The moment she finished talking, she felt her body being withdrawn from his arms and now she was face to face with him, his hands on her shoulders still holding her body. All Soo could do was take him all in. His face. His dark-brown eyes, the sharp cheekbones, his sharp jawline. And his scar, his scar not covered by make-up.

"Never. Never be that formal with me again. You have the right to call my name. Only you. Forgive me. Forgive me for being so late, for making you suffer in pain alone. Please if you forgive me, please call me by my name. I'm sorry Soo-ya. I have never hated you, I was just blinded by my jealousy. I never stop loving you"

"Of course, I forgave you. I was never angry at you," at the annoyed face of her prince as she was still speaking in formal speech, she widen her smile while looking directly into his eyes she continues "Wang So-nim, I love you. You have my entire heart and soul. Only you and no one else."

His face broke into the biggest smile that she ever saw as his hands left her shoulders to frame her face, and slowly, like he was still afraid of rejection, his face came closer to hers. Tired of waiting, she circle her arms behind his head, and pull his lips down to hers.

She was not wasting any time. She needed to be held by him, to be in that special cocoon of their love. After a few moments of chaste kiss, it seems that the wolf in her lover had woken up, as his lips now starts to devour hers and he pulls her tightly to him. To her, it did not matter where she was or how she was alive when she remember herself dying in Jung's arms then afterwards drowning into darkness. Only thing that mattered to her, right at this moment, was her prince Wang So and being with him.

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