War Council

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Perhaps the place in the palace with the most security built in its design in the prince's quarters was the Crown Prince's old room before he had married. Thus that was where everyone had moved after the 4th prince's quarters had been attacked. Silently under the guard of the royal guards, the 4th prince being carried on the back of his older brother, while his wife who was exhausted was being guided by two of her husband's younger brothers while the youngest brother was keeping a look-out.

The moment they entered the chamber, the 4th prince was laid onto the bed, and the doctors were once again with him, making sure that the necessary transportation had not made his injuries worse. Hae Soo was guided to a chair near the bed, and silently persuaded to eat the food brought to them as well as to drink some tea. Making sure that all the younger members of the royal family was protected, the Crown Prince exits his old chamber before heading back to the 4th prince's quarters where the King and Ji Mong had stayed as the investigation began, and that was been where the war council had been called. No one will be suspicious of the Crown Prince entering the room of his 4th brother as they will just think that he had came to fetch something from his old rooms for his brother.

4th Prince's chamber

Inside the 4th prince's room, Taejo sat on a chair in absolute silence, as the soldiers as well as the investigators look around for any clue. It was similar to what the scene will be like in Damiwon at this time as soldiers sweep the entire compound for any clues. Ji Mong had sent a couple of soldiers in disguise to the public bathing area in case there is a sign of the secret tunnel being used as well as looking for witnesses.

"Pyeha, are you alright?" as the Grand General Park and his daughter enters the room pushing the soldiers aside with his body. When the general saw that his king was unharmed, he continue on to ask how the 4th prince was. Ji Mong replies that though he has been injured, he is expected to recover, his wife Lady Soo was unharmed just in shock, and asked if the General's daughter could stay with them. As right now, there was only the 14th prince Jung there who was capable of fighting if all the soldiers were to be taken out. Soon Deok silently bows to the king before making her way towards the Crown Prince's chamber. Even if this was an unfortunate time, she could not wait till she will be able to see the 10th prince again.

Crown Prince's chamber

After they have personally seen that their sister-in-law and friend Hae Soo was feeling better, the princes let her stand up and go towards the bed where her husband was now sleeping.

"Lady Hae, don't worry 4th Prince's wounds are starting to heal and there are no signs of any poison. He will be fine after a rest. Though it is best if the prince does not move unless necessary for the next three days or so." With that the royal doctors bows to the royals before exiting the room. The doctors truly hoped that they do not have to tend to 4th prince in an emergency again. They wished him to be healthy. As doctors they already knew just how much his body has already suffered through in his young life as they examined him and treated him.

It was not long after the doctors had left that the 4th prince had started to move around in his sleep and then he suddenly shoot up. Moving his head around frantically, the prince calms down when he realizes where he was and who was there with him. Lifting a hand, he slowly caress his sleeping wife's cheek. At feeling the sensations, his wife wakes up, and without a word, simple hugs his body to hers. Then the 4th prince rearranges the blankets on the bed, and pulls his wife down to sleep next to him under the blanket, always with his arm around her waist.

The royal guards silently witnessing the interactions between the married couple realized that even if 4th prince was scary, they could never say that he was not loved as it was evident that his wife cares for him very much, and how in return the prince cherishes her, as they have heard that prince had struck by arrows when he was shielding his wife. All of the guards knew that right now they were in a position when they could not let their guards down but they are happy that they are signs that even the royals are in essence human in some manner. A husband and wife sleeping together. Worried brothers of the injured patient, sleeping with their head on the table nearby, refusing to leave till their family members were alright.

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