98.roller coster part 2

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"Everyone, this is Sam"

Sam and Colby exited another ride together, laughing and clutching their stomachs. This was their third- or was it their fourth?- time ridingRevenge! and Colby never wanted to stop. Except maybe he did, since he was beginning to feel warnings in his stomach.

Sam was finishing some story about secondary school and cry-laughing. "And when he showed up, the entire class was wearing Shrek masks. I've never heard a grown man scream louder."

Colby snorted. He was beginning to like Sam a lot.He looked over at the boy, who was still laughing. His hair had finally given up, loose curls falling down his face. His skin was flushed from having been upside down so many times, but it just drew more attention to the boy's tan.

Sam glanced at Colby and caught him staring, which sent Colby looking in the opposite direction, blushing. The two boys sat down on a nearby bench. Colby could smell funnel cake nearby, and he could hear distant screams of happiness.

"Ah, shit," Sam sighed.

"What?" Colby asked.

"We both totally ditched our friends, didn't we?" Sam looked at Colby, eyes twinkling.

"I think we did," Colby answered, leaning back on the bench. He pulled out his phone to send his group a brief "I'm not dead, don't worry about me" text and Sam did the same. When Colby set his phone back down, his and Sam's hands brushed. Cue more blushing.

Relax, Colby, you don't have a crush on someone you literally met four hours ago, Colby told himself.Even if you spent the whole day with them, can't stop staring at them, and would gladly make out with them.

"So, who are you? What are you into, besides emo music and stupid memes?" Sam asked.

"I like reading, and writing, and listening to music, and video games." Colby smiled at Sam "Any nerdy shit, I'm into it."

"Me too. "."Do you like school?" Colby asked, cursing himself for sounding like his mother.

"Hell no," Sam replied. "Tell me about yourself, Cole. Favorite color? Three items you'd take to an abandoned island? Got a girlfriend?"

Colby thought for a moment. "Blue or green, probably some cereal, my phone and earbuds, and nope."

Sam tilted his head. "Why no girlfriend? You're cute."

Colby ignored the last comment and looked down. "I like boys, so..."

Sam's eyes lit up. "Me too!"

Colby felt relief flood through him, for some reason. "Yeah? What's your type, then?"

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Cute boys who spend entire afternoons with me after we just met," he said.

Colby bit his lower lip, trying to decide between sprinting away at 90 miles per hour and kissing Sam senseless.

He decided on the latter.

Sam's lips met Colby's as soon as Colby started leaning towards him. Sam kissed with little pecks, and Colby could feel his smile through his lips. He could only hear Sam's breath and his own heartbeat as they kissed, keeping track of however long they spent with their lips attached.

Sam smelled like coffee and mint, the scent surrounding Colby. His lips were slightly chapped, compared to Sam's smooth ones, but Colby didn't really mind since he had sort of wanted to kiss Sam ever since he showed him how to deal with his legs.

Colby felt Sam's nose brush against his cheek, and heard Sam laugh nervously. Colby simply responded by putting his hand on Sam's cheek and deepening the kiss. Sam opened his mouth, allowing Colby's tongue to slip in smoothly. Sam leaned into Colby some more, kissing as if he would die tomorrow.

After what seemed like hours, the boys finally pulled apart sheepishly. Colby heard hoots in the distance and turned around to see not only his friends, but Sam's too, cheering them on.

Sam gave them the finger.

"Come on, lover boy!" Jake yelled. "Your ride's leaving!"

"I guess I'll see you around?" Colby suggested, turning back to Sam. Sam grabbed Colby's phone and quickly tapped in his number.

"If you're lucky," he said with a wink.

Colby smiled at Sam for the billionth time that day.

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